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Standing upright (Anorthosis)-1925-02-14
ACIGVPR00021.jpg.jpgTo the Iraklio Prefect: the engineer in charge of the operation for the extension of Irakliou - Pezon Street which is going to pass through the Muslim Cemetery asks that the Muslim Community move the graves from that place-1914-11-19
ACIGVPR00012.jpg.jpgAknowlwdgement of the Supervisory of the Printing-Press of the Government to Muslim Council of Elders' Directory related the latter's dispatchment for publication of an announcement against the illegal sale of wakf estates.-1900-09-04
ACIGVPR00011.jpg.jpgAknowledgement of the Mayor of Irakliou To the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations that the calculated sum for the recompensation for the tearing down of the sebil hane (fountain building) belonging to directory.-1914-04-17
The Army office (Stratologiko Grafio) of Crete. Towards the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: the Mouezinis of the Teke of Kadridou, Ntantalakis Bilaland the Muezinis of the Teke Katsampa, Larantzakis Samin, must renew their permision not to serve the army.-1919-08-21; 1919-08-26
Towards the President of the Council of the Iraklio Muslim Elders shipment of one document The Prefect approves the application of the Director of the Iraklio Muslim Foundations Housein Vevet Astsaki and the Muslim Council's decision to sell land.-1905-09-08
Draft handwritten form of the wishes for the new year addressed to the Prime-Minister, Eleftherios Venizelos, by the President of the Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklio, Arab-Ahmetzade Hamza.--
ACIGVDIV00021.jpg.jpgTo the Iraklio Mayor. Thanks for the sending of a document (?)-1902-12-02
ACIGVM00006.jpg.jpgComplaint of the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations To the Administrator of the Regiment 9, of infantry About the intrusion of Soldiers And requisited animals to the Muslim Cemetery located outside the town of Chania.-1917-04-22
ACIGVDIV00007.jpg.jpgLetter of the Nomarch of Irakliou to the President of Muslim Council of Elders concerning the complaint of Demir Dadalakis to the Prefecture that the Council does not provide his son, Bilar Dadalakis.-1919-12-12
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