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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Daire-i Memuriyetimiz dahilindeki Kurra-ı İslamiye ve Cemaat-i İslamiye’ye merbut cami, tekke, medrese ve mekteblerin müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye defterinin ita edilmesi ve müesseseler için ayrı defterlerin tanzimine dair talep. [Kavala, 17 Haziran 314]-1898-06-29
ACDCGVF00221.jpg.jpgReceipt for the shipment of goods (furniture) issued by the Company for the Exploitation of the Port of Salonica. The document bears the stamp of the 'Banque Impériale Ottomane-Kavala'.-1920-11-24
ACDCGVF00198.jpg.jpgCerrahpaşa Caddesi'nde oturan Hacı Ahmed Efendi kerimesi Fatma Zehra Hatun'un Sultan Mustafa Vakfı’ndan mahiye 106 kuruş tasarrufuna dair ilm-i haber. [23 Temmız 1327]-1911-08-05
Kavallas Financial Department (Oikonomiki Eforia) towards Mrs. Nazie, wife of Housein Moustafa, resident of Agiou Athanasiou: She is informed that she has been registered on the D tax register yearly incomes: 971, 15 / tax: 145, 65.-1922-03-04
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Ali Halil Ali: He is informed that he has been included to the 2th taxation register and that he has to pay a tax of 23.40 dr. for his yearly incomes (1227. 60 dr.)-1922-09-29
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Fatime Hasan: She is informed that she had been included to the 2th taxation register and that she has to pay a tax of 82 dr. for her yearly incomes ( 1227.60 dr.)-1922-03-02
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Kazes Moisis: He is informed that he has been included to the 4th taxation register and that he has to pay a aax of 256,60 dr. for his yearly incomes (1711,20%)-1922-01-24
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Haji Yose Kazes: He is informed that he has been included to the 4th taxation register and that he has to pay a tax of 167,40 dr. for his yearly incomes (1116 dr.)-1922-02-02
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia). Towards Amet Efendi, judge: He is informed that he has been included to the 4th taxation register and that he has tto pay a tax of 627. 75 dr. for his yearly incomes (4.185 dr.)-1922-03-01
ACDCGVF00143.jpg.jpgHalil Bey Cami-i Şerifi'ne aldığı zeytinyağı ve lamba şişesinin bedeli olan 9 drahmi 50 leptayı Kavala Cemaat-i İslamiyesi Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Halil Bey Mahallesi İmamı Mustafa Salih Mehmed imzalı pusula.-1922-04-12
Towards Xeliah (?) Haji Moustafa, Hanidie Quarter. He is informed that he has to pay 33.45 dr.-1922-01-22
Muhtelif şahıslara ait hesap defteri. [Selanik, 1264-1265]-1848; 1849
ACDCGVF00098.jpg.jpgMustafa Efendi tarafından 106 kuruş 20 paranın sandığa teslim edildiğine dair makbuz seneti. [İstanbul]--
ACDCGVF00096.jpg.jpgSelanik Yağcı Hacı Osman mahdumları ticarethanesine ait fatura.--
Tax office of Kavallas (Oikonomiki Eforia). Towards Ava Hanoum Halil: She is informed that she has ben registered on the D tax list, incomes: 195.30 dr., tax: 29.30 dr.-1922-01-20
ACDCGVF00046.jpg.jpgTeşrin-i Evvel 1328 tarihinde şakirdana sağıtılmak üzere Kavala'da Mekteb-i Kebir için verdiği 7 adet saatin bedeli olan 431 kuruşu Müftü Efendi marifetiyle Cemaat-i İslamiye Sandığı’ndan aldığına dair Saatçi imzalı pusula. [Kavala, 30 Teşrin-i Evvel 1329]-1913-11-12
ACDCGVF00051.jpg.jpgSelanik Cemaat-i İslamiye Sandığı’nın 1334 senesi Ağustos ayı zarfında vuku bulan muamelat-ı hesabiyesini mübeyyin cetvel. [5 Eylül 1334]-1918-09-05
Midhat Paşa İslam Sanayi Mekteb’inin 1331-1332 senesi Mayıs sonuna kadar olan hesap cetveli. [Selanik]-1915; 1916-06-12
Selanik Cemaat-i İslamiye Sandığı’nın 1337 senesine ait Muamelat-ı hesabiye cetveli. [5 Haziran 1337]-1921-06-05
Aydın Vilayeti İzmir Kazası Toraman Mescidi Mahallesi’nde sakin Bekrotori Efendi bin Mustafa'nın İzmir Mahkem-i Şeriyesi Zabıt Katibi Mükerrem Efendi bin Ahmed Hazım Efendi'den olan alacağının tahsili hakkında ilam . [15 Şaban 1329]-1911-08-11
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