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Official newspaper of the city of Crete, first issue / Chania.-1900-03-07
ACCEVJ00023.jpg.jpgThe Chania Muslim foundations. Towards the Nomarch (nomarhi) of Chania. The administration asks to be informed when the decision no 29 is accepted.-1919-02-21
ACCEVJ00019.jpg.jpgMehakim-i şeriyyeden Türkçe ilamların rumcaya tercümesiyle resmiyet kazanacak olan tercüme suretlerinin iş sahiplerine verilmesine dair adliye müsteşarlığından Hanya niyabet-i şeriyyesine gönderilen tahriratın sureti. [29 Mart 1324]-1908-04-11
Application of the mufti of Chania towards the Supreme Directory of Justice requesting recognition of the right to the Muslim judges (Ierodikas) not to accept unprofessional lawyers at the court procedures.-1901-01-01
In the name of Ahmet Argirakis, director of Chania Muslim Foundations, and of the accountant Hamam Latif Efedakis (?) and of Ibraim Softazades, manager (''moutevelli'') of Muslim Foundations' Yusuf Aga Mosque towards Hafif Efedopoula (?).-1885-05-04
icare tazminatından nizam-ı ahere müsteniden sahiplerine iadesi lazım gelen fazla tediyelerin geri alınması için dairenin mahkümiyetine dair karar [30 Teşrin-i Sani 1318]-1902-12-13
ACCEVJ00068.jpg.jpgMeclis-i Evkafça sudur edip muhasebeci (?) zamanında gönderilen kararların kayıt defteri etiketi (Hanya) [3 Haziran 1311]-1895-06-15
The Supreme audit board rejects the appeal of the administration of the Chania Muslim Foundations concerning the no. 2239 decision of the court.-1905-06-20; 1905-07-28
In the name of Zakif Tzafer Zade, representing Misraim Beys Zoftadakis and Tzemzi Efendis Mehmet Tzeti, director of Chania Muslim Foundations to Thodoros Stavridakis, representing the brothers Seriftzidaki call against them to appear at the Crete Court of Appeal.-1887-05-06
ACCEVJ00055.jpg.jpgStatement and call by Housein Efendis Diadarakis (?) against Zaire Katsikadaropoula, resident of Chania towards the Chania Holy Court.-1904-09-03
Hanya sakinelerinden Hatice Hatun binti Dellaliaşaki Latif ile yine Hanyalı Veysi Ağazaki Ali Ağa bin Hüseyin arasındaki dava zabtı.-1923-09-26
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