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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
18 Ağustos 1324 Pazartesi günü yapılan toplantıda alınan kararları havi belge. [18 Ağustos 1324]-1908-08-31
Announcement. Zampia Varouhopoula, widow Andreas Mauridakis, resident of Chania.-1906-11-27
Plaintiff: merchant Samouil Minionis defendant: 1) Council of Chania Muslim Elders 2) Housein Kavroroustemakis, inspector of the Chania Properties of the Orphan and guardian of children of Ibraim Kalimerakis 3) the third committee for the compensations, Chania the court decides in favor of plaintiff to whom the late was in debt (for 230, 70 dr.) the committee has to pay the amount out of the money offered at the auction of the late's property.-1908-03-26
Announcement by Nikolaos Paterakis, resident of Therisos Kydonias, against Housein Kavroroustemakis, guardian of the under age orphan child of Ali Hamzadakis and supervisor of the Muslim properties in Prefecture of Chania and Sfakia.-1906-11-27
Decision of the Peace Tribunal of Chania concerning the lawsuit of Ahmet Halim Hatzitousounakis against Mehmet Oustalakis, resident of Smyrna, for the case of a debt of a total sum of 165, 40 drachmes, accepting partly the demands of the plaintiff.-1903-01-28
The official newspaper of the government /city of Crete, third issue, Chania.-1902-11-06
In the name of lawyer Haral. Fradridos, representing the public interest of the city of Crete. Delivery to lawyer Emm. Ksiros, representing Seifoulah and Housni Hourhoudakis some people are called to testify towards Chania Holy Court on the 14 June 1904.-1904-06-07
Hanya İhtiyar Meclisi Azalarının bazı mevadın tezkiri için 28 Kanun-i Sani 1324 ve 1 Şubat 1324 tarihlerinde alaturka saat 9 raddelerinde meclise gelmelerine dair çağrılar. [28-31 Kanun-i Sani 1324]-1909-02-10; 1909-02-13
Camilerde lüzum görülen 800 adet kandilin dersaadet'ten sipariş suretiyle sureti ile iştirasına Müessesat-ı Diniye müdüriyetinin mezun olmasına dair alınan karar.-1906-08-30
The Council decides to replace the president Housein Veis Baltzakis for not being present in most of its the meetings.-1905-05-05
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