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Towards the Chania Council of the Muslim Elders. Application by Georgios Daskalogiannis and Har. Th. Ploumidakis, lawyers, residents of Chania: the lawyers ask for their money for representing the council in court/1000 dr.-1905-07-30
Towards the president of the Chania Court of First Instance. Table and application by Georgios A. Skouloudis, lawyer, resident of Chania, against the Chania Muslim Foundations: he asks for 6.20 dr.-1911-04-25
Application by Panagiotis Tazedakis, lawyer, resident of Chania, against the director of the Chania Muslim Foundations towards the president of the Chania Court of First Instance. Lawyer asks for 67,80 dr.-1912-04-10
ACCEVF00652.jpg.jpgFoundry ''O Minotauros'', Gerasimos N. Patrikiou, Chania, Crete. 40,15 dr. is paid by Chania Muslim Foundations.-1910-01-04
ACCEVF00055.jpg.jpgEvkaf Sandığındaki 13916,5 kuruşunun verilmesi için Horhozaki Seyfullah Bey ve Kurçiko İsmail Ağayı kefil gösteren Vakıf mütevellisi Hocazade Şükrü'nün dilekçesi. [1 Teşrin-i Sani 1303]-1887-11-13
ACCEVF00060.jpg.jpgKale Kapısı dışındaki mezaristan merdivenlerinin ile Haseki Ahmed Ağa Camii yakınındaki kabristanın duvarının tamir ve amele masrafının Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan Duvarcı Yeniçeri Ali Ağa tarafından alındığına dair makbuz.-1905-12-31
Holy Court decides, after a request of the Muslim Philanthropic Society represented by Huseyn Avni Efendi poor and ill Halilis Loupakis, whom the society supported on its expenses, should be taken care of from his mother and brothers.-1915-03-02
ACCEVF00059.jpg.jpgHünkar Camii'nin büyük kapısının boyama vesair ücreti olmak üzere 5 frank 50 santimin Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan boyacı tarafından alındığına dair makbuz. [29 Kanun-i Evvel 1321]-1906-01-11
Writer Ant. N. Anthousis informs the director that according to the letter sent to him by the director, the Administration of Muslim Foundations would have his money paid to him by Hasan Beys Skilianakis and Tefki Efendis, who were supposed to go to Chania.-1907-03-12
Anagnostis Bitzakis' statement, resident of village Kakodikeion of Kandanos addressed to subprefect of Kissamos, concerning demand of disbursal of interest-earing note of hand of total sum of 4079 gr., which he had signed as creditor to Athanasios Alexandrakis.-1880-10-22
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