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ACCEVC00071.jpg.jpgHanya sakinlerinden Melaki Halim'in istidası ile Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdüriyeti aleyhine Mahkeme-i Şeriyyede açılan dava hakkında dilekçe.-1903-01-13
Hanya sakinlerinden Salih Hacı Eminaki veyahud Balyalaki ve kardeşlerinin Hanya Şehri haricinde Yenimahallede sakin Hüseyin Yusufaki aleyhine verdiği layihaya cevabi layiha.-1902-11-15
Hanya sakinelerinden Hamide Korzolopola ile Kavalaraki Ali Bey arasındaki dava dilekçesi. [16 Mart 1323]-1907-03-29
Eşi Zehra binti Mehmed'in yeni doğum yaptığı çocuğunu ahret evladı olmak üzere taleb eden Kumkapı sakinelerinden Hacire binti Abdurrahman Arnavudopola çocuğun kendisinin olduğunu iddia ettiği Mehmed Giryeli Yahud Sakaloğlaki imzalı dava istidası.-1907-03-26
Rifat Abdiagadakis, inhabitant of Chania, asks that the law suit of Ali Tsikalaki, inhabitant of Chania, against him demanding the attachment of his wages, be declared illegal and not be accepted, presenting analytical justification for its rejection.-1905-06-21
Kandanos Magistrate's Court/ Towards Ismail Veis Saratsakis director of Chania Muslim Foundations. He is invited to appear at court on February 28, 1902 for the discussion of the law suit that Dim. I. Kromidakis, resident of Kandanos, maintains against him.-1902-02-21
ACCEVC00070.jpg.jpgCouncilor of Interior Affairs/ Chania. The president of Muslim Foundations Katsoulakis informs that in the ''ihthiopoleio'' (fish shops) market engineer who is responsible for the construction of a new building demands demolition of vakif shop which is located next to it.-1905-06-12
ACCEVC00088.jpg.jpgRethymno Holy Court. Towards the Chania secretary: Shipment of the appeal of Mehmet Likakis (?) against Her Efendis Likakis (?).-1908-02-05
Ali Efendis Tsikalakis, merchant, inhabitant of Chania, suits, on behalf of his wife Hairize Kaouropoula, who in her turn acts on behalf of Hadji Mustafa and Yildize Kaouraki, the employee Rifat Veis Abdiagadakis, for an unpaid debt of 1500 dr.-1905-05-20
ACCEVC00073.jpg.jpgApplication by Hanoum, widow (?), against Theodoros Manousakis, resident of Chania. Towards the witness Housein Kavroroustemakis, resident of Chania call to appear on court.-1903-04-25
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