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ACCGVPR00007.jpg.jpgTo the President of Muslim Foundations, to the Jewish community of Crete (Arhirabbuino) and to the Armenians. The Chania Prefect E. Aretakis asks them to send a list of the members of their communities, the number of the families, their properties.-1923-07-17
Kumkapı sakinesinden Hamide binti Şamlaki Hacı Bedevi ve Sinekçaki İbrahim Efendi bin Cemali arasındaki dava zabtı.-1923-08-29
Tazezaki iffet ile Hamide arasındaki davanın tutanağı.-1921-07-10
The Chania Council of the Muslim Elders approves the budget of the administration of the Muslim Foundations for the year 1919-1920/ incomes: 537,96 dr. / Expenses: 537,96 dr. and adds some amounts (among them the loan from the Bank of Crete).-1920-02-24
ACCEVF00396.jpg.jpgTelegram/Georgios Koutroumpakis/Chania. Ivraim Axemakis paid 54 dr.-1922-10-18
ACCGVM00001.jpg.jpgHanya Evkaf ve Eytam Riyaset-i Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilen Sivil Esirler Garnizonu Tabibi Doktor Necati Bey esir askerlerden Bursalı İbrahimoğlu Mustafa’nın muayenesi ve teşhisi ile ilgili raporu. [ Teşrin-i Evvel 1338]-1922-10-20
Letter of the President of the Muslim Community to the General Administration of Crete complaining about destruction of the Muslim Cemetery lying outside the town and expropriated by the municipality as a measure taken for embellishment of the place.-1922-08-21
Davacı Kumkapı'da Hüseyin Paşa Mahallesi sakinlerinden Ahmet ve Musa Abukofa (?) ve diğer taraftan davalı Ali Ağa ibn Mehmed arasındaki miras davası sonunda alınan karar.-1923-09-15
Hanya sakinesinden Şamlaki Hüseyin Efendi ibn İbrahim ile Demircizade Hüseyin Avni Efendi ibn Halim'in aleyhine açmış olduğu miras dava tutanağı ve kararı.-1923-06-13
Offers for the leasing of a wakf estate at Harakia, suburb of Chania.-1922-07-10; 1922-07-17
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