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ACCEVF00037.jpg.jpgİtalyalı Ferlanco'nun borçlu bulunduğu 424 kuruş 10 paranın tahsili için 25 Mart 1319 tarihli alınan senet. [Hanya Evkaf Sandığı] [28 Şubat 1321]-1906-03-13
Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye İdaresince kiraya verilen mülklerin icar defteri [1304-1322 yılları arası kayıtları havidir]-1888; 1906
ACCEVF00039.jpg.jpgReceipt for the delivery of a summons to the Holy Court (Ierodikion)(?) Chania to Fatmes Soronias. The summons is initiated by the state sector of Crete(?) (Dimosiou Kritis).-1904-06-07
ACCEVF00044.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the Treasury of Chania to the President of the Muslim Community of Chania that buildings and education taxes owed by the community are not paid and warning that there will be an augmentation of 10% in case of late payment.-1900-07-17
Müteveffa Otuzbiraki Hüseyin'in yetimleri Mehmed ve Fatma'nın pederlerinden miras kalan Yuanni Kondoliyona olan 6000 kuruşluk borcu ile ilgili alınan karar. [25 Haziran 1322]-1906-07-08
Deliveries of the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations, Rifat Avdiagadaki and Ali Talat Molazade, to Hüseyn Haci Mustafaki for the discussion of the issue and case of reprieve for attachment of property initiated by Sali Haci Mustafaki-1905-11-05; 1907-03-10
Gazi Yusuf Paşa Cami-i Şerifi İmamı Şeyh Halil Efendi Hicazda vefat ettiğinden yerine İmam Trabluslu Mehmed Efendi, onun yerine de Hacı Ali Efendi'nin vekaleten tayinine dair karar ve ihtiyar meclisi heyet-i alisine gönderilmiştir.-1902-07-21
Summons to the Peace Tribunal of Chania of Zehhaas Yusufopoulas Azimes Mouratopoulas and Ismail Mourataki, concerning the rights to the inheritance of the Deceased Hasan Mourataki-1908-07-23
Hamide Pipinopoula is summoned to the Holy Court of Chania of the Public Authority of Crete, as a witness at the case of conflict between Salihis Bakouiakis (?) and Kalandis (?) Hieh (?) on the 14th of June 1904.-1904-06-07
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