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ACCEVE00003.jpg.jpgLatifaki Tahir adlı birinin Küçük İlm-i Hal ile Malumat-ı Nafia adlı iki ciltli kitabı Hanya Maarif Kütüphanesi'nden aldığına dair pusula. [1 Eylül 1305]-1889-09-13
ACCEVE00015.jpg.jpg1309 Şubat Kidonya Maarif Şubesi kararı ile küşad olunan Posasoyano Kariyesi Sıbyan Mektebi kız ve erkek öğrenci miktarını gösteren liste. [Şubat 1309]-1894-02
Writer Ant. N. Anthousis informs the director that according to the letter sent to him by the director, the Administration of Muslim Foundations would have his money paid to him by Hasan Beys Skilianakis and Tefki Efendis, who were supposed to go to Chania.-1907-03-12
Anagnostis Bitzakis' statement, resident of village Kakodikeion of Kandanos addressed to subprefect of Kissamos, concerning demand of disbursal of interest-earing note of hand of total sum of 4079 gr., which he had signed as creditor to Athanasios Alexandrakis.-1880-10-22
ACCEVFM00002.jpg.jpgMehmet Ağa bin Hasan Ağa Buçalaki bu defa kasaba-ı mezkure sakinlerinden bikr-i baliga Mahmut Ağa kızı Fatma Arnavuttalinin evlenmelerinde bir sakınca olmadığına dair Hanya Mahkeme-i Şeriyye niyabetinden verilmiş ilm-i haber.-1893-11-28
Attachment, ordered by Mousa Ef. Disdarakis, resident of Chania, jeweller, against Osman and Moustafa Pistolakis, shoemakers and Sali Pistolakis, sailor, residents of Chania and Georgios Stamatakis, Ottoman Citizen, resident of the village Kirtomados Kydonias.-1881-11-30
1306 Temmuz ayı masarıf-ı müteferia için 225,20 kuruşun Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Cabi ve Masraf Memuru Mehmed Necip imzalı senet. [31 Temmuz 1306]-1890-08-12
The director of the Chania Muslim Foundations M. Semsidedezades and the the member of the Elder's Council Ismail Moshanakis sell to Fragon Sholinakis, trader, the wood stored in the Muslim schools and two colour boxes, for 23500 dr.-1924-03-27
Evkaf idaresinin varidat ve masarifat kayıtları [15 Teşrin-i Sani 1305-12 Teşrin-i Evvel 1308]-1887-11-27; 1892-10-24
1302 senesi ücret-i tedrisiye vesair masrafların defteri [Ağustos 1303, muhtemelen Hanya maarif meclisine aittir]-1887-08
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