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ACNEVO00015.jpg.jpgEytam Meclisi Heyet-i Aliyesi’ne gönderilen Çalaki Bey Ahmed’in yetimi Hasan’ın zaruri ihtiyaçları için 4 gümüş mecidiyenin kendisine sarf edilmesi hususunda dilekçe. [28 Mart 1304]-1921-01-29
Yunanistan'da kalan hayrat-ı Şerife'nin nev ve mahalleriyle vakıfları ismini havi defterdir. [Selanik, 1346]-1928
Revenue Department of Kavala. Acknowledgement of the Revenue Department of Kavala to Sefki Efendin (?) concerning his tax-declaration for his real estates.-1922-01-29
Order of the Municipality of Rethimnis to the Directory of Muslim Council of Elders to submit a catalogue concerning marriages, births and deaths of Muslims for the year 1922. The dispatching of a related table is mentioned.-1923-03-05
ACRGVM00001.jpg.jpgTelegraph from the 5 hospital in Dedeagaç to the Mayor of Rethimnis informing that the soldier Horiatobraimakis Ivraim Huseyn died the same day.-1923-03-09
ACIEVE00005.jpg.jpgİhtiyar Meclisi Reisi Çalıkzade Nuri Bey'e Mahalli Mekatib Müfettişi'nden 7 sınıflı Mektebin Müdürü Kadrizade Nuri ve İnas Mektebi Müdürü Mustafa Raşide tebliğ olan mezahib ve maarif nizamının tahrirat-ı umumiyesinin suretinin gönderildiğine dair yazı.-1922-02-24
Mustafa Suleymanaki, resident of Irakliou and lessee of the shops no.3,5 and 28 reply that he accepts the rise at the price of the rent issued by Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations, owner of the shops.-1921-08-16
The Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou asks from Mustafa Suleymanaki, butcher (Kreopoli), if he accepts the rise of the rent of the shop located at the Market of Butchers no. 3, 5 and 28, controlled by the Directory.-1921-07-31; 1921-08-07
ACIEVPR00027.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou asks from Ali Mouladervixiaki, carpenter, if he accepts the rise of the rent of the shop no. 17 located at the Market Kenourgio (New) Tsarsi, controlled by the Directory.-1921-08-07
ACCGVM00002.jpg.jpgApplication of the Army Recruiting office of Crete seated at Chania to Muslim Council of Elders asking information about the place and date of birth of Kazazalidaki son of Husni.-1922-12-21
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