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GörüntüleBaşlıkÜretenYayın Tarihi
Hanya'daki, isimleri metinde yazılı olan bazı camii, kasaba ve tekkelerde çalışan din görevlilerinin maaşlarını gösteren defter. [Mart -Nisan 1327]-1911-03
Order of the prefecture to the Mufti, Muslim Religious Foundations' director and the President of Muslim Council of Elders concernig dispatchment of the latters of financial information.-1919-05-30
ACIEVPR00025.jpg.jpgProceedings of public auction for the lease of a shop belonging as a wakf property to the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou and located at the Kenourion (New) Tsarsi of the city of Iraklion to Hasan Paletsaki.-1916-08-13
ACIEVO00014.jpg.jpgNüsret İslam Ağa yetimlerinin anneleri bulunan Vecihe Hediye Velizopulo'nun evlenmesinden dolayı çocuklarının vesayeti kanun gereği caiz olmadığından yeni bir vasiğin tayin edilmesi hususunda karar. [1 Teşrin-i Sani 1912]-1912-11-01
Decision of the Relatives Council set for the orphans of Huseyn Jaouhiakh from the village of Katsaba of Irakliou, concerning the management of the estates of the orphans by their Supervisor, Mustafa Rehitaki, resident of Katsaba.-1912-06-02
ACIEVJ00011.jpg.jpgNote of Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion to the Nomarch accompanying the dispatch of its decision no. 3079, 2-9-1919, for approval.-1919-09-10
ACCEVP00063.jpg.jpgGazi Yusuf Paşa Cami-i Şerifi Kürsü Vaizi ve Belde Müftüsü Ömer Vehbi Efendi'nin 1327 yılı Mayıs-Haziran dönemine ait 2 yıllık maaşı olan 8 frangı Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığını gösteren pusula. [2 Temmuz 1327]-1911-07-15
Hacı İsmailaki Emin Efendi'nin Halepa Camii imamlığına tayini hakkında karar Cemaat-i İslamiye Mutemedinin bu konu ile ilgili dilekçesi.-1916-03-06
Application Muslim Religious Foundations' former Director Ahmet Zeki Azizaki to Muslim Council of Elders justifying and providing receipts described as deficit of the Treasury of the Administration.-1913-12-09
ACIGVPR00004.jpg.jpgLetter To the Representative of insurance agency National of Greece of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director concerning the insurance of the building where the office of the Municipality is seated.-1919-02-25
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