9941-9950 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Receipt. A. Vevelaki received by Beha Valigradakis, cashier of the Muslim Professional School of Rethymno 100 drachmas as her salary for March and April 1919.-1919-05-14
ACREVP00004.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment of the directorate of Muslim Religious Authorities of Rethymno to Ali Veis (Bey) Hantzidakis for the wage of October 1909 for conducting the prayer.-1909-11-01
ACREVP00102.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment: Towards the accountant of the Foundations. 25 drachmas is paid to Ahmet Serailakis as guard of the cemeteries.-1910-09-02
Eşi Şemsiye Hanım Molla Alizopola binti Mehmed Bey Alizaki'nin veraseti Zevci Saranaki Hüseyin Hasbi Efendi, Pederi Molla Alizaki Mehmed Bey ve evlatlarının olduğu, lazım gelen Kassam-ı Şer'inin tanzim edilmesi için Saranaki Hüseyin Hasbi'nin dilekçesi.-1893-11-11
Recep Ağa Cami Vakf'ından Valide Sultan Cami çarşısındaki dükkanın 1/7 hissesinin mutasarrıfı Bilalalaki kerimesi Kamile Meryem Hatun evladı Bilal bin Bekra Hüsyin uhdesine kablel intikal bila veled vefatından naşi hissesinin mahlül kaldığında dair belge.-1899-07-03
Case concerning employee Mehmet Hamde Spathakis, Police Soldier Ahmet Spathakıs, Tailor Hasan Spathakis, Pupil and Huseyn Spathakis heirs of Ivraim Spathakis. Teacher Ali Efentis Spathakis is the supervisor of the inheritance.-1901-12-01
ACREVS00079.jpg.jpgApplication of the heirs of the late Mehmet Sedidoudin Ktistakis, ex holy judge and mufti of Rethymno: His wife Kioubra Hatzihasanopoula and his children Besim, Safigie and Kemale, towards the Rethymno Holy Court.-1901-02-01
Muhtacin-i Müslümin Komisyonu'nun Haziran 1314- Mayıs 1315 dönemine ait dakik vesair yardımların muhasebesi [Muhtemelen Resmo]-1898-06; 1899-05
ACREVS00097.jpg.jpgRethymno Holy Court certifies that the heirs of the late Edehem Kazazalidakis are his wife Antile of Bekir Laledakis, the of age children Ali, Kemal and Zeinep and the under age children Housein, Hasan, Sakige and Kiazima.-1910-10-30
Zabıt dava numarası 454: Nazlı binti Ali Hamzazaki ile Hacı Hüsnü Gurabaki ibn Mehmed'in dosya muhafazası.-1910-10-10
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Issue Date