9491-9500 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00015.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment issued by the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno for the recompense of Ali Makridakis for the expenses made for the repairement works of the offices of the holy judge of the sum of 25.30 drachmas.-1910-05-17
In front of the notary of Rethymno Haralabos I. Stamatakis and the witnesses Ioannis E. Sarantos and Emmanouil G. Grigoriadis, Georgios Skouloudis received from the Muslim Foundations' treasury 153.60 drachmas in total.-1903-03-29
In front of the Magistrate's Court. Application of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations against Nikolaos Lagkouvardos, resident of Amnatos. He has to pay 260.95 drachmas.-1913-06-10
ACREVF00019.jpg.jpgKırtasiye bedeli olan 25 kuruşun Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair Evkaf Katibi İsmail Efendi imzalı pusula. [4 Mayıs 1314]-1898-05-16
ACREVF00086.jpg.jpgReceipt. Titeselakis(?) (?) and Ibrahim (?) received by the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations 17.20 drachmas for the stamps they paid for cases concerning the administration.-1903-01-18
Receipt the Administration of Rethimis Muslim Foundations. 91.12 dr. is payed to Ali Kazazalidaki from Ali Troulinou and Maroulon according to the notary Dervisaki.-1906-01-12
Merhum Kapudan Ağa'nın bina ettiği Bahçelik Kariyesi'ndeki caminin imamet hizmetini ifa eden Kerimaki Timur Efendi'ye her sene verilen 100 kuruşun verilmesine dair takrir. [9 Kanun-i Sani 1313]-1898-01-21
Resmo Sancağı dahilindeki camilerin huteba ve müezzinlerinin isimlerini mübeyyin talep buyurulan cetvelin gönderilmesi hususunda Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin yazısı. Huteba ve müezzinlerinin isimlerini mübeyyin cetvel-1917-03-12
ACREVP00225.jpg.jpgVeliyüddin Paşa Camii müezzinlik hizmetine matlup Sefinelizade Mustafa Efendi'nin vefatından Sonra münhal kalan müezzinlik, kayyumluk hizmetlerine Muhiddin Efendi'nin tayinine dair karar. [5 Mart 1329]-1913-03-18
ACREVP00204.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. 50 drachmas is paid to Ali Riza Demiragadakis as his salary for the month of November 1909 [(imam at the Soultan (Sultan) Ivraim Mosque)].-1909-12-19
9491-9500 / 15207


Issue Date