9391-9400 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Towards Rethymno Holy Court. Propositions by Dzekali Mouladakis, resident of Rethymno, against Nazife Mouladopoula and Natzige Mouladopoula, both residents of Rethymno, and against the suit of 10th October 1917.-1917-12-22
Telegram of the administering comissioner, Papaderos, to the directorate of the Muslim Foundations of Rethymno demanding an answer for the reason of not conforming to the documentary no. 841/348.-1912-04-18
ACREVF00026.jpg.jpgNote of the president of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to the prefecture accompanying the dispatchment of an attachment to the budget of the council for the period of 1-1-1919 to the end of March 1919.-1919-02-21
ACREVF00010.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement to the responsible employee of the aqueduct of Rethymno of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations that Hasan Dervisagidakis bought half a pipe (?) (''masoura'') of water.-1922-05-13
ACREVDIV00027.jpg.jpgTowards Rethymno mufti; application by Ismail Aigiorgiannakis, resident of Rethymno. The applicant asks for a certificate that he is paralysed of one side and he is not able of working.-1919-05-12
ACNGVE00005.jpg.jpgTo the Superior Directorate of Education. Receipt for 9,10 dr.-1904-04-05
ACNGVDIV00021.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece--
Kokoraki El-Hac Halil Efendi'nin Resmo Evkaf ve Eytam Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne gönderdiği mülklerine iltizama verildiğinde talip çıkmazsa mahsulü değerlendirmek için kendisine iltizam edilmesine dair dilekçesi. [11 Kanun-i Evvel 1306]-1890-12-23
ACREVP00208.jpg.jpgKuyumcuzade Hasan Bey'in İhtiyar Meclisi'ne tabi Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Lisan-ı Rumi katiplerinden (?)zade Derviş Efendi'nin Sandık Emaneti'nden azli ile her iki memuriyetin ihtiyar meclisi kararınca 2. bir emre kadar fesh edildiğine dair karar.-1912-02-12
ACREVP00253.jpg.jpgKara Musa Paşa Cami-i Şerifinin müezzinlik ve kayyumluk hizmetinde müstahdem olan ve durumunun bu vazifeyi devam ettirmeye mani olduğundan istifa eden Alemdarzade Şeyh Bahaeddin Efendi'nin yerine Kamberaki Satı Efendi'nin tayin edildiğine dair karar.-1917-01-21
9391-9400 / 15207


Issue Date