9221-9230 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVPR00025.jpg.jpgProceedings of public auction for the lease of a shop belonging as a wakf property to the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of Irakliou and located at the Kenourion (New) Tsarsi of the city of Iraklion to Hasan Paletsaki.-1916-08-13
ACIEVPR00044.jpg.jpgLetter of the Municipality of Gortynos to the Directory of Muslim Council of Elders (of Irakliou(?)) replying to the latters document no. 1008/70, 17-12-1906, concerning the protection of the Muslim cemetery.-1906-12-28
Letter of E. Zafkakis to the President of the Evkafion informing him about the usurpation of the area of the Muslim cemeteries at the village by Yeoryiou Mathioudaki and asking that action is taken against the violation.-1922-02-03
ACIEVPR00047.jpg.jpgApplication of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to the responsible for agriculture at the prefecture asking for the free providing of 1000 pine-trees to be planted at the Muslim cemetery at the site Chania Portas.-1922-02-09
Approval of the Prefecture of Irakliou of the sale of Muslim Council of Elders of wakff fields located at the periphery of the village Ai -Sila to Mehmet Aspraki, who was the last bidder at the public auction.-1901-05-12
ACLEVF00134.jpg.jpg1306 senesi Muharrem-Zilhicce döneminde Uyanu Cami-i Şerifi'nin 1 senelik zeytinyağı gideri olan 12 kıyyenin bedeli olan 45 kuruşu Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Uyanu Camii İmamı Hocaki imzalı pusula. [2 Temmuz 1305]-1889-07-14
ACLEVF00165.jpg.jpgDava masrafları ve ihbarname ve ilamlara müsteniden idare avukatlarının talep etmiş oldukarı meblağın ödenmesi için iktiza eden kararın takdimine dair Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Ahmed Veliyüddin imzalı yazı. [15 Kanun-i Sani 1329]-1914-01-28
ACLEVF00180.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery of Lasithiou, Huseyn Moutafakis to a debtor to present himself at the offices of the Directory within 10 days from the day of the aknowledgement. [8 Temmuz 1329]-1913-07-21
ACLEVF00214.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court's (Ierodikiou) periphery of Lasithiou To Em. Kaloyeridis, Em. Veneri, Yeoryiou Papalanaki, Em. Hajopoulou, Konstanti Markaki, Antonis Markos Trihas and Mihail Pahlijanaki.-1916-01-08
Letter of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Lasithiou to the Mayor of Roukanias of the District of Sitias asking him to exclude the Administration from the list of the tax-payers for the rural gendarmerie no. 55/3.-1914-04-26
9221-9230 / 15207


Issue Date