9051-9060 / 15207
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29 Kanun-i Evvel 1300-5 Kanun-i Sani 1300 tarihleri arası varidat ve masarifat-ı yevmiye muhasebe defteri-1885-01-10; 1885-01-17
Registering of the offers at the public auction of the shops(?) no. 632. and 674 highest bidders were Nikolaou Hiaklamanaki and Yeoryiou Karezi.-1901-07-14
ACNEVPR00014.jpg.jpgDraft notes concerning a with drawing from the right of property of a house and of a sale of shops according to various contracts.--
Rumtay-ı Cedide'deki caminin tamiratı hakkında Mastoro Penayota Petroyani tarafından hazırlanan keşfin tercümesi .--
Resmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Niyabet-i Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilen Ahmed ibn Ali Karavisaki yahud Zakanaki’nin hanımının boşanarak nafaka talebinde bulunduğunu gösteren dilekçe.-1905-03-07
Towards Rethymno Peace Tribunal. Application by Stylianos Kostogiannis against Kiamis Efendi Veisagadakis, director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: The applicant asks that the foundations pays him 84.45 drachmas for court expenses.-1905-11-30; 1905-12-01
Dükkanların tamir masrafları olan 37 frank 20 santimi Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Ali Çavuş Maroğlaki imzalı senet. [19 Eylül 1325]-1909-09-28; 1909-10-02
ACREVF00344.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 127.50 drachmas is paid to Ahmet Bilalakis for repairing the roof of the Holy Court, the Valide Soultana (Sultan) Mosque and the residence of the administration in Nikolaou Street.-1910-06-02
Administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipts of payment (1908, no. 1894 to no. 98/39).-1907; 1908
Directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 3.10 drachmas is paid to the Municipality of Rethymno for providing a permission of repairing some buildings on Tsaros Street.-1909-09-09; 1909-09-14
9051-9060 / 15207


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