8961-8970 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVPR00028.jpg.jpgLease-contract for the Wakf estates of the children of Yusuf Aga Kajoglu located at the Villages Kato Varsamonero and Metohia for a period of 4 years from the 1st of August 1888.-1888-11-03
ACREVPR00109.jpg.jpgThe auction, published on the newspaper "Idi", concerning lands in the village Prasses, municipality of Hromonastiri, administrative province of Rethymno, will take place on the 10th of May 1892.-1892-02-01
ACREVPR00026.jpg.jpgİsmail Kemirakiye ait bir bab menzilin bir buçuk günlük icaret bedelinin Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [5 Teşrin-i Sani 1314]-1898-11-17
ACREVPR00130.jpg.jpgRethymno Muslim Foundations. Towards Mihail Gioulountakis, resident of the village Giannoudi. He has to pay his debt to the administration or the latter will take legal action.-1923-08-30
Mekatib-i İslamiye'ye devam eden fakir talebelere verilmek için satın alınan kitapların bedelini Resmo Müessesatı İslamiye Sandığı Emini Mehmet İzzet Bey'den aldığına dair Cinci Ömerzade Ali Salih imzalı pusula [13 Mayıs 1323-3 Teşrin-i Sani 1323]-1907-05-26; 1908-11-16
ACRGVD00018.jpg.jpgTowards the General Commander of Crete: Rethymno Muslim Elders complain for the attacks against Rethymno Muslims and they report that a few days before some criminals have stolen all the goats of Mehmet Omerakis etc.-1921-10-19
ACRGVM00040.jpg.jpgOffice of Recruitment of Crete: to Rethimnis Moufti: he is asked if Houroudakis Osman of Housein and Volionitakis Remadan of Aref had founded self contained teke in the documents they send are not real the mouftis will be accused too.-1918-08-02
ACRGVDIV00019.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti, answering to a relevant question, states that there is no document informing about the place of birth of Izet Tsitsekakis of Housein and that he does not know if he has immigrated or not.-1920-03-19
Fatma Lolazosyola'nın kızı Zekiye binti Tevfik evlendiğinden dolayı kızının çeyiz masraflarını karşılamak üzere 300 kuruşluk yardım talebi. [28 Mart 1310]-1894-04-09
ACRGVM00008.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis informs the Office of Recruitment that all the Hiehides of Crete gave to him (in Turkish) the names of the people working in Muslim Religious Foundations.-1918-07-27
8961-8970 / 15207


Issue Date