8951-8960 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00034.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment issued by the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno concerning the payment of a sum of 27.50 drachmas for the expenses for the house no. 5, belonging to the directorate and located at the forge to Ivraim Alisakadakis.-1910-04-05
ACREVF00075.jpg.jpgValide Sultan Cami-i Şerifi'nin 2 aylık zeyt mürettebatı bedeli olan 175 frank 15 santimin Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair Hasan imzalı senet.-1923-10-01
ACREVF00120.jpg.jpg1313 senesi Şubat ayına ait mühimmat-ı kırtasiye bedeli olan 50 kuruşun Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair senet. [18 Nisan 1314]-1898-04-30
To the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1898-12-03
ACREVF00129.jpg.jpgFee payment for the delivery of certificate of the judgement No 14/1517 by Rethimnis Pease Tribunal.--
Announcement of public auction for sale of the real estates belonging to the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations and located at the periphery of the Villages of Rethimnis, Kalama, Houmerı, Roustka and of a plot inside the town of Rethimnis.-1913-04-15
Council no 6, Decision no 10. The Muslim Elders of Rethimnis, Raif Toytsarapaki, Hasan Klarinaki, Mertzan Omeraki, Mustafa Nafi(?) Karatsedakis, Ali Mpahridaki, Mehmet Hatzisinanaki, members, Ivraim Perisakis, secretary.-1908-01-19
Invitations from directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations and anonymous offerings of the periphery of the Holy Court, represented by the director Vetzih Hatzidakis, to Mehmet Besirakis, Moustafa Koumaritakis, Ioannis Karammanolakis and Osman Halatsakis.-1921-07-20
File and letters of Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations concerning leasing of various lands at the Village of Kalantare, Municipalıties of Eleftherneon and Margariton, Vakoufika lands of the Mosque Kara Mousa Passa.-1900-08-01; 1902-08-01
ACREVPR00108.jpg.jpgArif Ağazaki Ahmed Ağa'nın Yanuzi ve Korucu'da olan Mal Vakfının 1296 senesi Ağustos başlangıcından itibaren 4 sene müddetle iltizama verilmesi hakkında müzayede pusulası. [15 Nisan 1296]-1881-04-27
8951-8960 / 15207


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