8821-8830 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Decision of Muslim Council of Elders concerning dismissal of mufti and performing duties of holy judge, Ivraim Fevzis Toutountzidakis, due to his scandalously intervening to political and parties conflicts and inciting animosities between the believers.-1912-08-25
ACREVP00071.jpg.jpg1309 senesi Teşrin-i Sani-Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait olan 30 kuruş nafaka miktarını Resmo Evkaf Dairesi'ndeki Şefkat Sandığı’ndan aldığına dair Bedirkerzade Ali(?) imzalı pusula. [6 Kanun-i Sani 1309]-1894-01-18
Decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno for the temporary appointment of Hefik Leventakis as the dismantling Ottoman Orphans Bank's secretary with a wage of 120 drachmas and of Stylianos Saridakis as his assistant with a wage of 80 drachmas.-1900-06-27
ACREVP00043.jpg.jpgNote of the president of Muslim Council of Elders accompanying the proceedings of the council no. 39/100 concerning the suggestion of appointment of Ali Bekirakis and Mousa Kiazim Klaronakis at the position of teachers at the Muslim School.-1912-08-11
ACREVP00024.jpg.jpgApplication of the "hehis" (sheikh) of the Tekke of Nakhipetidon of Rethymno, Ivraim Neim Selababadakis to Muslim Council of Elders for the validation of the substitution of the muezzin of the tekke due to his calling to arms.-1919-03-04
ACREVP00054.jpg.jpgResmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı Emval ve Eytam Nazırı ve Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü olan kişinin Ağustos 1326 maaşı olan 160 kuruşu aldığına dair pusula. [1 Eylül 1326]-1910-09-14
ACREVP00011.jpg.jpgThe deputy of the Holy Court of Rethymno, mufti Ahmet Sedidoudis informs the prefect of Rethymno that he executed his order to receive the books, documents and archives of the Kadi Court.-1900-05-29
Towards the public prosecutor. The holy judge states that Fatoume Kabantaki delivered her under age child Nourentin of Ali Planidakis to his grandfather Nourentin Planidakis.-1909-07-11; 1909-07-18
ACREVP00076.jpg.jpg1313 senesi Mayıs'ına ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 100 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı’ndan aldığına dair pusula. [10 Kanun-i Evvel 1314]-1898-12-22
Eytam Dairesi'ne müteallik olup İstinaf Mahkemesi'ne gönderilen Fakfurizade Nesimi Efendi tarafından varid olan ilm-i haber mucibince İstinaf Mahkemesi'nde rüyet ettiği davaların ücreti için talep ettiği paranın verilmesi için Meclis Mülazım Reisi'nin yazısı.-1889-06-30
8821-8830 / 15207


Issue Date