8421-8430 / 15207
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Resmo Sancağı Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Niyabet-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen tahrirat.-1898
Kara Musa Paşazade Ahmed Paşa'nın vakfından olup Milopotamu Kazası, Perino Kariyesi’ndeki meranın Ağustos 1309'den itibaren 2 sene müddetle 8110 kuruş icar bedeliyle Papazaki Yorgi'ye icar ve iltizam kılındığına dair icarname. [26 Eylül 1309]-1893-10-08
Towards Rethymno Magistrate's Court. The administrtation of Rethymno Muslim Foundations asks for the legal compensation of 260.95 drachmas for the farms of the Kara Mousa Passa (Paşa) ewkaf that according to the law of 1899 became personal property of the defendant.-1913-07-11
In presence of Rethymno notary Pertev Dervisakis: Moustafa Veis (Bey) Kemal Karatzedakis, director of the Muslim Foundations and Stefanos Vasilakis, grosser, agreed on: The first one leases to the second one a shop owned by the administration for 430 drachmas per year.-1914-05-24
ACREVPR00354.jpg.jpgOrta Kapi Mahallesi’ndeki çeşmeye bitişik olan bir bab dükkanın 21 Eylül 1312 tarihinden İtibaren 1 sene müddetle 700 kuruş icar bedeli ile kiraya verileceğine dair müzayede pusulası. [16 Eylül 1312]-1896-09-28
Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations. Leasing auction concerning the ewkaf shop in Prigkipos Street; highest bid by Souleiman M. Hatzi (Hacı) Omerakis (113 drachmas per year).-1908-09-10; 1908-09-20
Selling auction of the 1/4 of "Lantzimas" farms, Prines village of Mylopotamos. The committee is consisted by Kiamis Veisagadakis, Hasan Klaronakis and Merntzan Omerakis; fortified to Ioannis Kiagadakis for 2.561 drachmas.-1908-03-30
Leasing of the ewkaf shop in Prigkipos Street no. 34; highest bids by Ali Hatzi (Hacı) Aigiorgiannakis for one year (241 drachmas), Ahmet Hatzi (Hacı) Katsobakis for one year (192 drachmas).-1907-08-12; 1906-08-27
Administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Leasing of the ewkaf shop no. 34 in Orea Street; highest bid by Ahmet Ginekoulakis, resident of Rethymno (12 drachmas per month).-1918-04-28
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition of the director to pay to Mehmet Teoufik Aigiorgiannakis 100 drachmas.-1908-04-27
8421-8430 / 15207


Issue Date