8391-8400 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACLEVJ00019.jpg.jpgLaşid İhtiyar Meclisi Riyaset-i Alisine. Şubat'ın 5. gününde yapılacak olan Hüseyin Efendi'nin mahkemesine dair yazı. [25 Kanun-i Sani 1328]-1913-02-07
ACLEVJ00039.jpg.jpgNote accompanying the dispatchment of the decision No.101/1913 of Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou to the nomarch asking that it is executed.-1913-12-21
The Ierapetras peace tribunal. The court accepts the application made by Nikolao Sarbadaki (?) on 6 July 1903-1904-09-19
Hanyevizade Murad Bey'in Ahmed Şevki Efendi'ye verdiği vekaletname.-1884-03-18
ACLEVPR00235.jpg.jpgEstiye mukavelat Muharriri Yorgi Zakaki'nin iltizam seneti Mucibince Mültezim Yorgi Z. Papazaki ve Andon Andoni Silvaraki'nin güzeran eden 1. ve 2. taksiti mültezimleri tarafından Karaposta vasıtasıyla sandığa girdiğine dair makbuz. [12 Eylül 1321]-1905-09-25
Yerapetre dahilinde Evkaf-ı Hümayundan Mazbut Karakaş Abdurrahman Vakfı’ndan icareli bir menzilin Ağuzaki İbrahim'in feragatıyla Mafaronaki Ali bin Mustafa uhdesine icare seneti. [22 Eylül 1280]-1864-10-04
ACLEVPR00227.jpg.jpgEskopi Kariyeli Mehmed Kapısızzaki Laşid İslam Eytam Sandığ’ına medyun olduğu 1500 kuruşu ödeyemeyeceğinden terhin ettiği emlaki satılmasını istida ettiğine dair tahrirat. [11 Mart 1291]-1875-03-23
ACLEVPR00266.jpg.jpgThe Directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations asks the Mayors of the Eparchy of Meramvellou to informe all the owners of former Vakıf lands that they have to pay the compensations according to the law 422.-1904-07-21
ACLEVPR00271.jpg.jpgThe Director of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations had been informed Lawyer Georgion Mitsikakin (?) that Alis Babalakis sells his properties he asks lawyer to propose him to contact the Directorate.-1900-02-08
ACLEVPR00268.jpg.jpgThe Directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations asks the Mayors of the Eparchy of Seitkis to informe all the owners of the former Vakıf lands to pay the compensations according to the law 422.-1904-07-21
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Issue Date