8371-8380 / 15207
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ACDCGVDIV00026.jpg.jpgDrama Mebusu Mösyö Godaş'ın 2 Ağustos 1921'de Kavala'ya teşrifi münasebetiyle yapılacak karşılama töreninin tertibi için Kavala Cemaat-i İslamiye Reisi'nin Cemaat-i İslamiye Dairesinin alafranga saat 8'de yapılacak bu törene daveti.-1921-08-01
ACCGVP00001.jpg.jpgTowards the Director Efkiafiou. The following order is to be announced to their employees: The Cabinet (Ipourgiko Simvoulio) decided that due to the King Alexandrou's death the whole country will be in mourning for three months.-1920-10-15
The imamis and president of the community of Old Kavallas (Paleas Kavallas) confirms that Moula Alis son of Moustafa was born in 1882 and serves as Hatip at the Pazar Mahale Mosque of the community since 18th June 1919.-1921-03-29
ACDCGVDIV00095.jpg.jpgTo the Muslim community of Kavala the inspector asks for the names of the moutevelidon Kavallas-1919-05-31
Belediyede kaydı olmayanların nasıl hareket etmeleri gerektiği hususunda bir ilan ve ilanın müsveddesi..--
ACDCGVDIV00033.jpg.jpgTelegram towards Suleyman Mufti (of Salonique/Thessaloniki)--
Proceedings of the public auction concerning the sale of the wakf estates located at the periphery of the villages Ano (up) and Kato (down) Arhanes and Aisilas to Mehmet Aspraki, represented by Hasan Mourat Varotakis, land-owner.-1901-04-22
Leasing Through auction of a shop of the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. The leasing will begin on the 1 September 1916 - end August 1918. The terms of the leasing are determined by the Muslim Elders of Irakliou. Tenant: Alex. Xidianakis.-1916-07-10
Application of Lawyer Mihail Saklambanaki, resident of Irakliou towards the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: Hatzi Sourouris Abdoulah bought from Annis Petropoulou and put his house in mortgage. Sourouris died his house became Efkiafiou property.-1901-01-20
The Muslim Elders of Irakliou. Selling through auction the cemetery at the Village Ardakti(?) bought by Emm. Pitsidianaki, resident of Kato Ardaktion for 310 dr. approval of the Muslim Elders to conduct the auction at the Ano Ardahthia of Monofatsiou.-1914-04-15
8371-8380 / 15207


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