8231-8240 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Eytam Sandığı günlük işlem defteri. [1290-1291]-1874
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno. The under age Riza and Fitinetis, children of Ali Ismet Mouladakis. Their guardian will be Mehmet Teoufik Aigiorgiannakis.-1913-09-08
The director of the Muslim Foundations informs the bank about the accounts between the directorate and the ex Bank for the Orphans.-1902-06-10
Haydar Ağa Kazakçızaki'nin eşi Mevlide binti Derviş Efendi Musazade yetimi Ahmed ve Fatma'nın muhasebe defteri.--
Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağanın Vakfından oğlu Yusuf Ağa evlatlarının Pirine Kariyesi'ndeki mallarının 1302 senesi Ağustos ayı başından itibaren bir sene müddetle iltizama çıkarılması ile ilgili Resmo Evkaf İdaresi tarafından yazılan yazı. [31 Ağustos 1312]-1896-09-12
Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa'nın Vakfı'ndan oğlu Yusuf Ağa evlatlarının Resmo Kazası, Pirinpe Köyü'ndeki mülklerini 1312 senesi Ağustosundan itibaren 11 ay müddetle mahsullerini iltizam ettiğine dair kontrat. [Ağustos 1312]-1896-08
Invitations of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations and anomynous offerings of the periphery of the Holy Court, represented by the director Vetzih Hatzidakis, to Nikolaos Tzerakis, Nikolaos Baroutsakis and Emmanouil Xekalakis.-1921-07-20
Statement, invitation and notice from Gisouf Kazatzakis to Tekke of Bektasis represented by the director of the Muslim Religious Foundation and anonymous offerings, Vetzih Hatzidakis, and the manager of ewkaf of tekke, Aligie Tselepidopoula.-1921-08-20
Letter from the rural inspector of Rethymno to the director of the Religious Muslim Foundations concerning the inspection of the former at the rural estates of the Foundations after a request by its director following reports of entering of animals.-1914-08-21
Statement of acceptance of Moustafas Hatsi (Hacı) Mehmet Metsirakis, merchant, representing himself and his partner Housni Arif Metsirakis, at their Associate Trade Company Housnis Metsirakis and Company of the rise at the price of the rent.-1921-08-24
8231-8240 / 15207


Issue Date