8151-8160 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Resmo Evkaf ve Eytam İdaresi meclis kararları müsvedde defteri [Şubat 1302]-1887-02
ACREVO00058.jpg.jpgMolla Ahmed Koçumusazaki yetimesi Nazife'nin muhasebe defteri. [Teşrin-i Sani 1316]-1900-11
İslam Eytam Sandığı karar defteri [1296]-1880
Riza Efendi hayiz olduğu selahiyetle mezuniyete müsteniden Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı’ndan Alemdaroğlu Hacı Emin Ağa'nın evlatlarının Resmo Kazası, Marola Kariyesi’ndeki mülklerini Kerimaki Mustafa Efendi'ye icara verdiğine dair kontrato [22 Ağustos 1311]-1895-09-03
Muslim Foundations' director sells through auction ewkaf lands in Genna, Kalogeros, Gerakari and Meronas villages; for lands by Kalogeros village highest bid by Stylianos Tioudakis; last offer by Ali Trigiotakis. Highest bid by Moustafa Volionitakis.-1913-07-07
Leasing of the ewkaf lands of the Veli Pasa Mosque in Pasalites village, municipality of Eleutherna, from 1901 for two years by the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations; highest bid by Dimitrios Tzedakis (10.50 drachmas).-1901-08-19
ACREVPR00440.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. 48 drachmas is paid to Georgios D. Maraggoudakis, out of the rent given for the Hasan Saliagadakis ewkaf lands in Amnatos village (1904- 1906), leased to Emm. D. Maraggoudakis.-1905-12-04
Directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: Cretan State. Leasing of the shop no. 34 in Prigkipos Street of the ewkaf, from September 1909 to 1910; highest bid by Hasan Katsobakis (192 drachmas).-1909-08-30
ACREVPR00425.jpg.jpgIn presence of the committee: President Georgios Maris, Rethymno prefect and the members Stefanos Halarakis, magistrate, Housni Selimefentakis, director: Leasing auction of the no. 167 ewkaf shop in Tsarou Street.-1905-05-31
Lease of Rethymno Muslim Foundations concerning the ewkaf lands of Veli Pasa (Paşa) Mosque in Kyrianna of Arkadi.-1900-07-11; 1907-08-12
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