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ACIEVO00662.jpg.jpgBiraderi Ahmed'in Defterdar Ahmed Efendi Camii müezzinliğini ve kayyumluğunu yapmaktayen vefat etmesiyle yetim kalan oğlu Hakkı'nın babasının yerine tayini hususunda biraderi Cami-i mezbur İmamı Eş-Şeyh İbrahim Neşet imzalı istida. [22 Mayıs 1296]-1880-06-03
ACIEVP00035.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou Alis Katolakis, to Education's Supreme Directory informing that the suggested Nesibe Veinamazopoula for teacher's position at the Muslim girls' school doesn't have studies' certifications.-1910-10-02
The Prefecture of Irakliou asks from the Ewkafa list of the names of the Muslim clergymen in order to be included at the catalogues for fees of street construction. Dispatchment to the Nomarch of Irakliou of the list with the names of the clergymen.-1904-06-15; 1904-06-28
ACIEVP00010.jpg.jpgMuslim Council of Elders of Irakliou certifies that Huseyn Haji Maslanmakis son of Mahmut Kaptan from Irakliou has been appointed muezzin of the Mosque Sofan according to the decision no. 3317/9-7-1920.-1921-09-04
ACIEVP00041.jpg.jpgLetter of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou to Mr. Kothrin informing him about the dismissal of Haji Ahmet Chanializade, who was until then(?) of Mehmet Veis Chanialakis and asking him to make a public announcement through the newspaper.--
1256-1291 arasını ihtiva eden Eytam Sandığı muhasebe defteri.-1840; 1875
ACIEVP00037.jpg.jpgLetter of Muslim Council of Elders's President to the Prefecture asking that his resignation from his duties of the Presidency of Muslim Council of Elders is accepted by the General Administration of Crete because he has to go to Atalyas.--
Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı 1300 senesine ait maaş senedatı. [1300]-1884; 1885
1300 senesi Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı2na ait maaş senedatı. [1300]-1884
ACLEVF00115.jpg.jpgAkriçeli Manoli Çanopolo'nun Evkaf Sandığı'na medyun olduğu Bidayet Mahkemesi'nden alınan paranın ahzına dair mahkeme-i mezbureye verdiği kefalet senetinin icra parasını Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Seyyare Memuru Rehber Hamza imzalı pusula [4 Şubat 1302]-1887-02-16
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