7951-7960 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACNEVS00010.jpg.jpgNote of the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations to the municipality accompanying the dispatching of the filled tax catalogue for the year 1921 and informing about the heirs of Salis Rustemakis who died two years before.-1923-03-07
ACNEVSC00004.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment for the sum of 9,20 drahmes to Resvan and Akiden Risvanaki for the third part of the recompensation for the destruction of the estates of Halotsoglou at the years 1896-1898.-1910-08-09
Register of various cases concerning auctions, real estates and correspondence with various notaries from various areas of Crete.-1904; 1909
Letter of the hight administration of religions (Anotera Diefthinsi Thriskeftikon) concerning actions to be taken for a mistreatment towards the Muslims.-1902-08-14
ACNEVPR00066.jpg.jpg1 Ağustos 1316-31 Temmuz 1317 dönemine ait iltizam bedellerini mübeyyin defter. [Ağustos 1316-1317]-1900-08
Mustafa Gacaki ve mirasçıları dosyası. [2 Kanun-i Evvel 1335]-1919-12-01
ACNEVPR00068.jpg.jpgAuction for the land in Barbaroysso area which used to be the Ottoman cemetery.--
ACREVPR00269.jpg.jpgVeliyüddin Paşa Camii’ne meşrut köylerdeki emlakın 1896-1898 dönemine ait hisselerinin toplamı 6 frank 60 santimi Resmo Müessesat-i Diniye Sandığı’ndan aldığına dair Resmo mukavelat muharrirlerinden Vekil Kalyoncuzaki Hüsnü imzalı senet. [15 Ağustos 1326]-1910-08-18
Directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations asks Mihail G. Stauroulakis, resident of Kalandares of Mylopotamos, to pay the money he owes to the directorate for his ewkaf land property which had been turned into private land property.-1913-07-11
Küçük İbrahim Ağa Vakfı’ndan Seleli Hasan Hasan Ağa zevcesi Hacı Oğlupola Adile'nin Pirene Kariyesi’ndeki gallesinin iltizama verildiğine dair müzayede pusulalar, kontratolar ve icar ödeme takvimi. [25 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304]-1888-11-06; 1896-07-24
7951-7960 / 15207


Issue Date