7851-7860 / 15207
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Towards Political Department of Rethymno Court of First Instance: Mehmet Leventakis is placed on call by president of the court. He is invited to discussion of case between plaintiffs, Zeande Farsalopoula, Housni and Moustafa Hamamitzidakis.-1893-07-29
ACREVO00144.jpg.jpgTowards notary Stauros Patakos. / Eparchy of Amorio of Rethymno. Director of Iraklion Ottoman Bank for Orphans reports that Haider Koumkalakis(?) from Platanos village has to pay to the bank 2180 piastres and asks if his real estate are under another mortgage or not.-1911-02-05
Resmo sakinlerindenken vefat eden Saniyezaki Mehmed Bey’in kızı Nigar'ın umur ve hususatı için toplanan akraba meclisi kararına göre Ustazaki Mehmed Ali Bey'in vasi olarak tayinine dair karar.-1921-07-16
Towards the Council of Rethymno Ewkaf, manager of the properties of the under age orphans of the late Housein Alkakis, resident of Aggeliana village of Mylopotamos, who are currently living abroad.-1910-04-26
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approvement of the decision of the Family Council of orphans of the late Mehmet Kiatipakis to authorize guardian Mehmet Kiatipakis to agree with Santigie Kiatipopoula in order to lay claim to the money owed to them as heirs.-1901-11-27
The Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders the decision of the Family Council of orphan Mehmet Ali of the late Tsintsarapakis to authorize the guardian of the child Raif Tsintsarapakis to sell some of the shares of the orphan.-1908-05-08
Mehcur Arnavut Ömer'in zaruret-i elbise için 40,25 kuruşun Resmo Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hüsyin Ağazaki Adil imzalı senet. [18 Teşrin-i Evvel 1315]-1899-10-30
Hüseyin Mazlumaki zevcesi Nazlı Perinopola'nın terekesinden Yetimleri Ümmü Gülsüm ve Adile'ye ait olan akçenin muhasebe defteri.-1901
Çorbacaki Süleyman Efendi tarafından Resmo İhtiyar Meclisi’ne verilen istidada Ayşe Pusuryaropola, Rukiye ile Refia binti Ali Haraka'nin emlak ve akaratın mahsulatınnı Evkaf İdaresi’nin icar müzayedenamesi üzere isticar ettiğine dair karar. [18 Nisan 1322]-1906-04-18; 1906-05-01
Ali Haki Efendi Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı’ndan müteveffa Adile Hacıoğlupola'nın Resmo, İprine Kariyesi’ndeki gallesinin 1308 yılı Ağustos başlangıcından itibaren 4 yıl müddetle Hasan Selyanaki'ye icar kılındığına dair icar kontratosu ve müzayede pusulası.-1893-10-31
7851-7860 / 15207


Issue Date