7841-7850 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Payoff, Rethymno. In front of the notary K. S. Androulidakis and the witnesses Mihail Elekakis and Georgios Kapaidakis: Georgios I. Siganos, landowner, asked to receive the last installment from Rethymno Muslim Foundations, that is 1344.40 drachmas.-1903-03-27
ACREVF00079.jpg.jpgResmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Dairesi ile Valide Sultan Camii tamirat işi için harcanan toplam 230 frank 80 santimin Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan ödendiğine dair senet. [20 Haziran 1326]-1910-07-03
The president of Rethymno Muslim Elders. Towards the prefect of Rethymno: Rethymno administration of Muslim Foundations submited its budget from 1st of January 1917 until end of December 1917. The prefect approves the budget.-1917-03-18; 1917-04-06
ACREVF00148.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. 8.10 drachmas is paid to Ali Spathakis, Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) (?), Hasan Sami and Fatoume of Ivraim Spathakis for the 1896-1898 damages (10%).-1910-08-12
ACREVF00106.jpg.jpgRamazan ayının başlaması ile memlekette bulunan camiler için tedariki lazım gelen malzemelerin alınmasına dair takrir. [31 Kanun-i Evvel 1313]-1898-01-12
Towards the prefect of Rethymno: The administration was asked to express its views on the possible use of old Muslim cemeteries as agricultural land; they deny.-1917-02-16; 1917-02-14
Mart 1294 senesinden itibaren 2 sene müddetle Resmo Tahmishane Rüsûmat bedelini gösteren defter sayfası. [1 Teşrin-i Sani 1295]-1879-11-13
Resmo Sanayi Mektebi'nde istimal olunmak üzere alınan eşyaların bedeli hakkında pusula [18 Teşrin-i Evvel 1334]-1918-10-18
ACREVF00130.jpg.jpgGirid Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Sandığı makbuz ilm-i haberi. [14 Kanun-i Evvel 1335]-1919-12-14
Meeting of Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders, consisted by the president Hasan Klaronakis, the members Mehmet Haratsidakis, Ali Vasfi Vedroudinzades, Moustafa Tzintzarapakis and Mertzan Omerakis and the secretary Ivraim Houlki Perissakis.-1913-05-02
7841-7850 / 15207


Issue Date