7481-7490 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVP00037.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of dismissal from duties of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to the former secretary of the Holy Court Rethymno Izet Veis (Bey) Agiorgianakis.-1912-09-14
ACREVP00046.jpg.jpgLetter of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno to Ioannis Vourvahis appointing him as guardian of the Muslim cemetery at the village Palelimnos.-1912-04-21
Directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno.-1909-10-01
Arapzade Rıza Efendi'nin selahiyeti ve mezuniyetiyle Kara Musa Paşazade Ahmed Paşa Vakfı'nın Milapotamu Kazası'ndaki merasının Yorgi Sifaki ve Vasili Zerdsaki'nin kefaletleriyle Yorgi Papazaki ve Emanuel Karavaçuli'ye kiraya verilmesine dair kontrat. [21 Ağustos 1311]-1895-09-02
In the presence of the notary Pertev Dervisakis: Moustafa Kemal Veis (Bey) Karatzedakis, manager of the administration of the Muslim Foundations, rented to Apostolos Glentedakis a shop at the location Gazi Housein Pasa (Paşa), 156 gold drachmas per year, and other terms of leasing.-1913-10-07
ACREVPR00175.jpg.jpgAyasofya Mahallesi'ndeki hanesine cereyan etmek üzere evvelce Dedezade Ali Efendi'ye ait 1 masura suyun bedeli olan 10 Somanlı Lirasının alındığına dair takrir. [22 Teşrin-i Sani 1313]-1897-12-04
ACREVPR00091.jpg.jpgBir dükkanın alt katına alınan yarım masura suyun bedeli olan 126 frangın Sandığı teslim edildiğine dair Sandık Emini Yusuf İsmet imzalı makbuz. [17 Mart 1336]-1920-03-17
Lease contract for Wakf estates at a village leased for a period of Four years starting from the 1-8-1888. The contract is filled in Ottoman the text being provided at the opposite page. [16th of June 1309]-1893-06-28
ACREVPR00138.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Towards the officer in charge of the lands and cultivation ("agronomos") of the periphery of Rethymno: In the villages Hamaleuri and Asteri the rules are not applied. They are asked to apply the rules.-1914-08-07
The Council of Rethymno with Antonios S. Halkiadakis certifies that Emeti Pastelopoula, resident of Rethymno, owns a house.-1894-03-27; 1905-03-15
7481-7490 / 15207


Issue Date