7281-7290 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
To the Director of the Evkaf(?): Lawyer Ad. N.Anthounis (?) informs about some cases he won representing the Evkaf and asks for his money hoping that the director will keep his promisses and will be grateful to him as he should.-1907-01-13
ACNEVFM00033.jpg.jpgEdhem Hamidaki ibn Abdülhamid ile Emetullah Malamonapola ibnetü Mevlid'in nikah akdi. [2 Teşrin-i Evvel 1303]-1887-10-14
ACNEVFM00022.jpg.jpgHilmi ibn Bekir Molla Bekraki ile Ayşe binti Salih Ağa Turşucaki'nin nikah akdi. [19 Zilhicce 1315]-1898-05-11
Mustafa adlı şahıs ile Hacı Kulunun zevcesi Adile Hanım arasındaki davanın zabtı. [Şubat 1319]-1904-02
Akraba Meclisi’nin 2058 kararnamesi mucibince Azize Subaşopola yetimlerini gösteren pusula. [1328]-1912
ACNEVF00174.jpg.jpg20 Nisan 1300 tarihinde vekalete takdim kılınan masarifat defteri.-1884-05-02
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno and the Family Council of Rethymno after examining the application of Housein Karamousalakis and guardian of the under age orphans Zeinep and Ali of Ivraim Karamousalakis.-1906-04-27
Rethymno Muslim Elders approve the decision of the Family Council of the under age orphan Ahmet of the late Hatzi (Hacı) Ivraim Aigiorgiannakis, to accept the proposition of his guardian Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) Sinanakis.-1907-04-29
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno and the Family Council examined the application of Santigie Bekiropoula of Housein that has under age children who have no guardian.-1906-04-30
ACREVO00007.jpg.jpgAknowledgment of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations to the administration of the gendarmerie of Rethymno that Mehmet Haratsidakis is appointed guardian of the orphans of Mehmet Ali Kotronakis or Hatzidakis, Nourgie, Nazife and Elfi.-1923-03-05
7281-7290 / 15207


Issue Date