7261-7270 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIGVM00016.jpg.jpgHidmet-i Askeriyeye celb edilen Müslümanların Tevellüd defterlerinde senelerinin yanlış gösterildiğinden bir emirname-i mahsuseyle Hanya'da teşekkül eden komisyona evraklarıyla başvurmaları hususunun Mahkeme-i Şeriyesince cereyan edip etmediğine dair yazı.-1917-02-12
ACLEVC00013.jpg.jpgDairede alel usul tebliğ edilen dava evrakı karara bağlanmamasına dair Cemaat-i Diniye Müdüriyetinden Laşid Cemaat-i İslamiye Heyeti Reisi Banosaki Necib Fehmi Efendi ile Aza Kadıoğlaki Atıf ve Hamidaki Mustafa Efendilere gönderilen tahrirat. [5 Ağustos 1320]-1904-08-18
Iraklio Prefect M. Ksanthoudis? answers to relevant letter of Council of the Muslim Elders that according to the statement by Mayor of Arkalohoriou Place where community aims to Create a garden is not the Muslin cemetery but property of the Community-1910-09-03
The President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou, Nouris Tsalikakis, asks for a postponement of the dead line for the Exchange of the Army Service of Muslims, since ammount of money for the exchange was doubled and lots of Muslims are unable to pay.-1923-02
ACIGVF00009.jpg.jpgTo the Prefecture of Iraklio. Answering to the relevant question of the Prefect the Director ? answers that the vakif fountain at the Moha Village has a capital of 400 dr but that it isn't legal to spend money out of that capital for fountain's restoration.-1910-06-21
ACLEVC00017.jpg.jpgTo the commander of the Gendarmery, the Peace Tribunal and the Mayor of Ierapetras. The Director of the Lasithinou Muslim Foundations complains because on the 7Th of November 1904 some individuals destroyed a part of the wall of the Ottoman Schools-1904-11-10
Aknowledgement of Muslim Council of Elders to the Army Recruitement Office of Crete that Ali Voliotakis resigned from the position of the muezzin of the Tekke Horasani and at the present time belongs to the personnel of mosques-1919-03-14
ACIGVP00001.jpg.jpgLetter of the Nomach of Irakliou to the President of Muslim Council of Elders concerning the dispatchment of a table containing the names of the employees of Muslim Council of Elders.-1910-10-16
Müteveffa İmamzade Hacı Mehmed Efendi eytamının Laşid Eytam Sandığı'ndan mazbut olan emlaklarının iltizamı 1289 senesi Şubatı sonunda sona ereceği için alınan kararlar ve nafakalarına dair belgeler. [16 Nisan- 29 Mayıs 1290]-1874-04-28; 1874-06-10
ACLEVO00136.jpg.jpgYerapetre Naib-i Sabıkı müteveffa Receb Efendi'nin evladları Mustafa ve Latif'in buranın mahkeme-i şeriyyesince ispat-ı rüşd ettikleri hususundaki ilamın leffen takdim olunduğuna dair Yerapetre Kazası Kaymakamı'nın tahriratı. [14 Ağustos 1290]-1874-08-26
7261-7270 / 15207


Issue Date