7211-7220 / 15207
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ACREVP00296.jpg.jpgTowards the counselor. The Council (?) suggests to have appointed: Euaggelia E. Vernardou as teacher of the Greek language at Rethymno Girls School in the position of Varvara Kanakaki; Maria G. Fragkoudaki as handcraft teacher.-1910-09-06
ACREVP00234.jpg.jpg1320 senesi Haziran dönemine ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 30 drahminin Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [21 Ağustos 1320]-1904-08-15
ACREVP00144.jpg.jpgThe applicant, Ali Riza Temiragadakis, asks for a certificate that will prove he is officially "hieihis" (sheikh) of the Naxibendis and Mevlevis at Rethymno.-1917-12-30
ACREVP00284.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment of 110 drachmas to Titos E. Zakakis as his salary for September (assistant secretary).-1909-10-27
ACREVP00176.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti sends a list of the employees at the Foundations who should take an allowance for the months November and December 1917.-1918-01-13
ACCEVC00030.jpg.jpgTopaltı'ndaki Ekspulokamara(?) Çiftliği karşısında çiftlik halkına mahsus namazgahın mihrabı sağlam olmasına rağmen namazgahı çiftlik sahibi Tokatlı? Hacı Ahmed Ağa'nın yıktırıldığına dair evkaf muhasebecisi Ahmed Lebib Efendi'nin yazısı. [17 Temmuz 1304]-1888-07-29
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na 11 Mayıs 1331 ila 6 Haziran 1331 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm ü haber.-1915-05-24; 1915-06-19
ACRGVM00060.jpg.jpgRecruitment Office to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas sends applications of Remadan Volionitaki of Arif, as Hiehou Teke of Halvetidon asking for the excuse of Housein Omerohousakis of Mehmet Pout Nakibe and Riotian Risvanaki(?) of Ivrahim Rehber.-1918-01-10
ACRGVM00057.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas sends some applications for excuse from the Army and asks for a confirmation that Tsitsekakis Izet and Hojakis Ismail had been appointed at the place of some other employees.-1918-01-10
ACRGVP00001.jpg.jpgAknowledgment of the appointment and the arrival to Crete of the new administrator and former president of the Ministers' Council of Greece, Stefanon Dragoumin, and announcement of the celebrations by the Nomarch to the authorities of the prefecture.-1912-10-12
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Issue Date