7201-7210 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00080.jpg.jpgMekatib-i İslamiye'nin Hacı Alaki İbrahim Efendi'nin hanesine nakli hizmetinde bulunan 4 kişiye Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan verilen 17,60 frangın seneti.-1923-10-04
ACREVF00012.jpg.jpgApplication of the municipality of Rethymno to the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations for the dispatchment of a list with the names of the recipients of water inside the town for the preparing of the related tax catalogue.-1923-02-13
ACREVF00154.jpg.jpgResmo İslam (?) Mektebi'nde istimal olunmak üzere satın alınan bir cihazın bedelinin Sandık Emini'nden alındığına dair makbuz. [20 Kanun-i Sani 1333]-1917-01-20
The file bearing the title: "Ewkaf of Rethymno against Ioannis S. Androulidakis". Partly filled table of court expenses of lawyer's office of G. Athanasiadis for the case of the ewkaf against Ioannis S. Androulidakis. Court of First Instance.--
ACREVF00050.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 62.30 drachmas is paid to Haralabos Ploumidakis as payment for law-court expenses.-1907-05-01
ACREVF00150.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of 3.10 drachmas paid to Moustafa Kakalakis.-1905-12-01
ACREVP00147.jpg.jpgApplication of Mehmet Ali Oustadakis. Towards the Holy Court of Rethymno: The applicant asks for a certificate that will prove that the founder and "heih" (sheikh) of the Bektasi tekke outside the town of Rethymno was Hatzi (Hacı) Baba Oustadakis.-1918-05-26
ACREVP00186.jpg.jpg1326 senesi Mayıs ayı maaşı olan 30 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Valide Sultan Cami-i Şerifi'nin Müezzin ve Kayyumu Kumbaracızaki Mehmed Efendi imzalı senet. [31 Mayıs 1326]-1910-06-13
Rethymno mufti informs Rethymno prefect that the Muslim Holy Court has the right to appoint or to pause only the imams, "hatipis" (hatip) and "vaizis" (vaiz); the rest of the people working in the Muslim Foundations stay for ever.-1918-05-16
ACREVP00295.jpg.jpgApplication by Paulos I. Vlastos. Towards Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders: The applicant asks to be appointed as secretary of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations, replacing Titos Zakakis, who is going to resign.-1909-07-27
7201-7210 / 15207


Issue Date