7121-7130 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
According to the 1915, June 23th decision of Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders, all former Muslim cemeteries should be sold through auction: The former Muslim cemetery at the periphery of Platania village is fortified to Zaharias Litinas for 322 drachmas.-1916-04-17
Selling auction of a fountain in Alexandrou Street. Committee consisted by the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, Kiami Veisagadakis, and the members Merntzan Omerakis and Moustafa Nafi Karatsedakis; fortified to Emmanouil Sifogiannakis for 180 drachmas.-1908-04-20
Towards Rethymno Magistrate's Court. Application of the director Moustafas Kemal Karatzedakis, acting on behalf of the administration, against Georgios Modatsos, resident of Kalandares of Mylopotamos.-1913-07-11
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders, represented by the president Raif Tsintsarapakis and the members Hasan Klaronakis, Merntzan Omerakis, Moustafa Karatsedakis, Ali Bahridakis and the secretary Ivraim Perisakis, sells half "masoura" of water to Ali Zaip Tsintsarapakis.-1908-04-10
Selling auction. Committee: Housni Selimefentakis, Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis, Giousouf Odabasakis; 48 olive trees at the periphery of Kato Valsamonero are fortified to Mehmet Aigiorgiannakis, resident of Rethymno, for 960 drachmas.-1915-08-23; 1915-08-29
ACREVS00002.jpg.jpgThe mufti of Rethymno certifies that the 2/3 of the house located in Moamethanon Street no. 54, with its dependings, belonged to Tzemile's parents and has been inherited to her.-1921-03-01
ACCEVF00095.jpg.jpgVakıf akarından olan Kastel'deki bir eve döşenen borular, çatının oluk tamiri gibi masraflar için 25 frangın Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair makbuz. [12 Teşrin-i Evvel 1321]-1905-10-24
ACCEVF00048.jpg.jpgHanya İslam Eytam ve Evkaf Meclisi Heyeti Huzuruna. Selene Kazası İspagoko Köyü ahalisinden Numan Bekir Mincaknin mali sıkıntı içinde olmasından dolayı Eytam Sandığı'ndan istikraz talep dilekçesi. [17 Mart 1305]-1889-03-29
ACCEVF00134.jpg.jpgKöprü Cami-i Şerifi ile bir bab dükkanın tamirinde müstahdem bulunduğu eyyamın ücreti olan 51 kuruşu Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Mehmed Karakozaki imzalı pusula. [23 Temmuz 1304]-1888-08-04
ACCEVF00066.jpg.jpgKilit tamiri için Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan 2 frank 70 santimi Nikola Nikolaidi'den aldığına dair Abdurrahman Ali'nin ilm-i haberi. [26 Teşrin-i Sani 1321]-1905-12-09
7121-7130 / 15207


Issue Date