7051-7060 / 15207
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New Newspaper Daily (Nea Efimeris Kathimerini of Iraklio). Among other news there is an underlined announcement that the Directorate of Iraklio Muslim Foundations will sell through auction two residences.-1920-06-16
Demand of payment of Andreou Kalokerinou against the heirs of his deceased debtor Mustafa Anoyianaki and declarement of confiscation of the deceased's estates in case of not payment on time.-1900-03-02
ACIEVPR00213.jpg.jpgZülfikar Ali Paşa Camii Vakfından atik kasaphanelerdeki bir dükkanın icara verilmesine dair müzayede pusulası. [23 Mart 1305]-1889-04-04
ACIEVPR00251.jpg.jpgTo the engineer of Iraklio Cretes. (The Muslim Council?) asks for permission to built a wall between the street and the old Muslim cemetery.--
ACLEVF00274.jpg.jpgUyanu Kariyesi Cami-i Şerifi'nin hasır ve kandilleri Hıristiyanlar tarafından gasb edildiğinden camiye lazım olan hasır ve 30 kandilin bedelinin Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan sarfına karar verilmesine dair Hüseyin Zeki imzalı istida. [1 Kanun-i Evvel 1312]-1896-12-13
ACLEVF00262.jpg.jpg1310 Muharrem-1312 Zilhicce dönemine ait Rokoko Camii'nin 3 senelik zeyt bedeli ile mürettebat-ı sairenin bedelleri olan toplam 235 kuruş 10 parayı Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Rokoko Camii İmamı Osman imzalı senet. [Kanun-i Sani 1310]-1895-01
Application of Vasilion Fandridi, Lawyer, Resident of Neapoleos. Against Hasan Etip Fehmi Efentaki, Manager of the Ottoman Bank for Lasithiou Orphans: 295.3 kurus will be payed for his law - Court Expenses, Neapoli.-1895-05-15
ACLEVF00242.jpg.jpgYerapetre'deki Hacı Piri Mekteb-i Kebirinde kullanılmak üzere Maarif Dairesine imal ettiği trapez ile merdivenin bedelini yerapetre maarif şubesinden aldığına dair Dülger Cebecaki Mehmed Emin imzalı senet. [2 Teşrin-i Evvel 1303]-1887-10-14
Receipt signed by Gaipis Odapahiakis, carpenter, for the sum of 140 drahm. payed by Nikolaou Em. Pouli, for the repairement of a door at the building rented to him by the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou.-1913-09-28
ACLEVF00221.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations' Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) of Lasithiou to Yeoryion Remediki, Ioanin Psoraki and Ahmet Haji ivrahimak to pay the sum of 307 drahmas, according to the warrant for payment, to the Directory's Treasury.-1915-12-12
7051-7060 / 15207


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