7031-7040 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Application of the Customs' officer to the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations asking time of departure of Housni Pinialakis, rentor of the warehouseshop owned by the customs house, and the year that it was sub-leased to Geor. Vasalos.-1924-05-19; 1924-05-24
Council No 7, Decision No 11. The Muslim Elders of Rethimnis, Raif Toytsarapaki, Presıdent, Hasan Klarınakı, Mertzan Omeraki, Moustafa Dentoglaki, Moustafa Nafis Karatsedakis, Members, Ivraim Perisakis, Secretary.-1908-01-20
ACREVPR00196.jpg.jpgProgram of auction of the ewkaf of Rethymno, represented by its manager Moustafa Veis (Bey) Karatzedakis, resident of Rethymno.-1912-06-14
Lease contract for the leasing of the Wakf estates of the children of Mehmet Reis Atimaki Soudianou located it the village of 'Vakalohori' or 'Hamalevri' for a period of 4 years.-1892-08-01
ACREVPR00126.jpg.jpgRethymno Muslim Foundations. Towards the officer responsible for water ("ydronomos") of the aqueduct of Rethymno. Konstantinos Deliparashos bought half "masoura" of water.-1923-09-13
Lease contract concerning the Evkaf lands in Prini Village owned by Lebibez (?), wife of Thoman Spatha.--
Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Dairesi'nden yapılan kime, ne için, ne kadar ödeme yapıldığına, okuduğu mevlid için Yoğurtçaki Ali'ye ve müezzin ve vaizlik maaşı abdülkadirzade İbrahim Bey'e yapılan ödemelere dair pusulalar. [21 Mayıs 1325]-1909-06-03
ACCEVP00336.jpg.jpg1327 senesi Mart ayına ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 20 frangı Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Haseki Mehmed Ağa Cami-i Şerifi İmam ve Müezzin ve Kayyum Mustafa Pektaşaki imzalı senet. [4 Mart 1327]-1911-03-17
The Muslim Religious Foundations of Chania, represented by their director, Ismail Bey Saratsakis, resident of Chania lease out to Anagnostis Ioannis Mih. Vrougakis and Evangelos Mecidakis, cookers, the shop located at the Spincer str. no.11.-1903-10-01
Hanya Tophane Mahallesi sakinlerindenken vefat eden Zenci Said Bin Abdullah'ın mirasının paylaşılması hakkında Kuyumcubaşı Şakir Efendizade Hüseyin Sadi imzalı istida. [ 21 Teşrin-i Evvel 1312]-1896-11-02
7031-7040 / 15207


Issue Date