6931-6940 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Letter of the President of the Muslim Council of Rethimnis, Housni Selimefendakis, to the Garrison Captain that the Council may dispose for the needs of the Army the Muslim Boys' School, the Profession School and Kioutsouk Haji Ivraim Aga Mosque.-1919-02-25; 1919-02-26
Resmo'da Asakir-i Şahane 38. Alayı 20. Taburunun 1. Bölüğünün 6. Haymesi efradından Ragıb bin Hasan'ın mahkemeye celbi hususunda Resmo Livası Naibi tarafından gönderilen tahriratı. [24 Haziran 1311]-1895-07-06
Rethimnis Mouftis I. Ps. Toutonzadekis (?) informs the Prime Minister to despite what the Minister of the Army decided in each cami there must be at least one imam and two mouezinides and those people can go to the army.-1918-04-18
ACRGVF00010.jpg.jpgRethimnis Muslim Community. Towards the Ministry of Financial Affairs the Director of the Muslim Foundations asks for the release of the Directorate from the taxes according to the law.-1921-08-17
ACRGVM00041.jpg.jpgOffice of Recruitment of Crete. To Rethimnis Moufti: he is asked to send a copy of the list of the Religious Employees sent by the Hiehi Alemtarzade Behandin of Souleiman.-1918-07-27
ACRGVP00003.jpg.jpgTowards the Muslim Elders of Rethimnis. The Nomarch of Rethimnis, Papadakis, report No 1206/571 about the appointment of the Secretary of the Holy Court (Ierodikion).-1924-07-31
ACRGVM00033.jpg.jpgThe Crete Office of Recruitment certifies that Abouhourakis Mousas of Ivraim from Rethimno (1907) he is capable of serving in the Army.-1918-06-28
ACRGVF00005.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis states that the Religious Court had never had the right to administer Rethimnis Evkaf.-1919-05-13
Eşi Fatma binti Kasım sebebsiz yere cocuklarını ve evin anahtarını alıp akrabalarına gezmeye gitmiş olduğundan kendisinin eve geri dönmesi ve eşine itaat etmesi hususunda tenbihatta bulunulmasına dair dilekçesi [22 Ağustos 1310]-1894-09-03
Hanya'da sakin Barbaroş bin El-Hacc Halil dört yaşındaki kızı Roza'yı meclis-i şer-i şerifte bakamadığı için velayetini kodu Meryem adlı hanıma bıraktığına dair vekaletname. [1 Şaban 1275]-1859-03-06
6931-6940 / 15207


Issue Date