6921-6930 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Unofficial Court document of Muslim Religious Foundations' director, Moustafa Kemal Karatzezades or Karatzedakis, against former treasurer of the directorate, Giousouf Dervisakis, in order to submit within 24 hours after the delivery of the document.-1912-03-08
1325 senesi Nisan ayı zarfında kesb-i istihkak ettiği 70 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Sandık Emini imzalı senet. [30 Nisan 1325]-1909-04-30; 1909-05-13
Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi katiplerinden Hilmizade Hüseyin Hüsnü ve Sandık Emini Mehmed İzzet'in 1326 senesi Mart ayına ait maaşlarını Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldıklarını gösteren pusulalar. [31 Mart 1326]-1910-06-03
ACREVP00078.jpg.jpgResmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdüriyeti Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilen Kara Musa Paşa Camii müezzinlik ve kayyumluk hizmetine talip olan Resmolu Kamberzade Ahmed Sami Bey'in dilekçesi. [31 Kanun-i Evvel 1917]-1917-12-31
Muslim Religious Foundations' director of Rethymno, Moustafa Kemal Karatzades, protests for the not submission of the documents and the money of the treasury of Giousouf Dervisakis, dismissed treasurer of the directorate.-1912-03-08
Rethymno Council of Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of the orphans of Ahmet Ralianakis, under presidency of the inspector Giousouf Aligiannakis, to accept the proposition of guardian and natural mother of orphans Nourigie Laledopoula.-1908-02-19
ACREVP00034.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the General Administration of Crete to Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno for the notification of Eufrosyni Sekeri, proposed for appointment at the position of teacher at the Muslim Girls School of Rethymno.-1920-10-20
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition to share estate of under age and of age orphans and to authorize Halime Karamousalopoula to represent her children of her late husband Mehmet Hatzidakis and Ahmet Dervisalidakis.-1908-05-29
ACREVP00109.jpg.jpgApplication of Moustafou Mavrommataki, resident of Rethimnou towards Rethimnis Administration of Muslim Foundations: They are asked to appoint a mouezin at a mosque in the Province (Nomo) of Rethimnis.-1921-04-03
Mouhgedin Likakis or Hakibabazade (Hakibabadakis(?)) Hiehis of the Teke of Kadridon informs Rethimnis Muftis that he decided release Mehmed Sirrolikaki or Hakibabakis from position of his Halife and to appoint Mehmet Mehmetefendakis of Ali in his place.-1918-05-08
6921-6930 / 15207


Issue Date