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Yerapetre süvari neferlerinden Ali Konalaki adlı şahsın Pendiye Kazası’nda vefat eden amcası Hasan Ağa'dan kendisine düşen mirastan dolayı Kandiyeli Aktar Molla Ramazan adlı şahsa olan borcunun idare tarafından ödenmesine dair takrir.[9 Haziran 1289]-1873-06-21
ACLEVS00095.jpg.jpgEstiye Limanı’nda sakin Tüccar Hasan Efendi Hacı Abdurrahmanaki Bin Mustafa'nın paraspuri Kariyesi’nde katlen vefat eden Mustafa Behlülaki Bin Bayramın verasetine dair istidası üzerine Laşid Livası Kadı Vekili Naib Mustafa Raşidin tahriratı-1908-09-12
ACLEVS00096.jpg.jpgLasithiou Muftis and Ierodikis states that if Moustafas Kademakis dies then according to the Holy Law, his properties should be deivided into 24 shares, 7 for each of his children Kademi, Hasan and Housein, and 3 for his widow Fatme Molivdopoula.-1904-02-10
Rüştüne erişen kızı Fatma ile İspirlangalı Papuşçu esnafından Mustafa Kılavuraki talip bulunmuş ise de kızının evi için ve çeyizi için babası Mustafa Kapsalaki'nin yardım talebi [19 Teşrin-i Sani 1299]-1883-12-01
ACLEVS00065.jpg.jpgVefat eden kızkardeşi Mirace'nin terekesinden hissesine isabet eden 129 kuruşu Lazanaki Veli Bey'den aldığına dair pusula. [1 Nisan 1312]-1896-04-13
ACLGVPR00016.jpg.jpgHandra/ towards the Administration of the Lasithiou Muslim Foundations: the Mayor of Municiplaity of Presou sends a list of the citizens who owe the ıjare tax and the compensations for the former Vakif lands and-1904-10-26
ACLGVP00043.jpg.jpgTowards the supreme administration of education. Lasithiou Ierodikis and Muftis Moustafa Rahit reports that after receiving the relevant permission he had been absent from his work from the 9th till the 30th of August-1910-08-30
ACLGVP00047.jpg.jpgSupreme Administration of Education and of Justice. The Consul D. Xanthoudidis informs Lasithiou Ierodikin Moustafa Rahit that his application to be absent from work, for a month, had been approved-1905-06-27
ACLGVPR00017.jpg.jpgRoukaka/ towards the director of the Lasithiou Ottoman Foundations: the Mayor of Roukakas Municipality sends a list concerning the ijare tax and the vakif compensations-1904-10-26
ACLGVP00034.jpg.jpgAgios Nikolaos/ Kingdom of Greece/ Lasithiou Prefecture. Towards the President of Lasithiou evkaf: Lasithiou Prefect asks for a list of the Employees of the Foundations-1916-09-19
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