2761-2770 / 15207
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Call by Nousouret Papoutsalaki against Lasithiou Muslim Bank for the Orphans, represented by the Director Ahmet Zeki Alizaki (?) towards Lasithiou Court of First Instance.-1903-06-01
Laşid Eytam ve Evkaf Meclisi Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne hitaben gönderilmiş bir zarf. [30 Haziran 1337]-1921-06-30
ACLEVS00058.jpg.jpgAhlazya Kariyesi sakinlerindenken İzmir'de muhacir, şu halde Estiye Limanı'nda misafireten mukime Hatice Hatun binti müteveffa Ahmed Beyataki'nin miras davası için Yerapetre Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesine Laşid Sancağı Naib Vekili Mustafa Raşid tarafından daveti.-1904-11-07
Towards Mr. Georgion Mitsakakin: according to the decision of the Kritis (Crete) Court of Appeal, Lasithiou Ottoman Bank has to provide a certificate of the mortgage concerning the real estates of the heirs of the late Ivrahim Hilakin.-1906-09-23
Order by Kiriakou Hajidaki, Doctor, resident of Sitias Port, against: 1) Houries Risvanopoulas, widow of the late Ahmet Sandalaki and 2) of the her under age children, former residents of Piskopis, heirs of the late.-1900-10-24
The Director of Lasithiou Evkaf invites all the people who have payed Tejeredes and have the relevant receipies to submit them to Evkaf together with the certificates of all of them who have inherited Vakıf lands from members of their Family.-1895-07-04
ACLGVE00020.jpg.jpgAtina Maarif ve Mezahib Nezaret-i Aliyesi’nden Laşid mutsarrıflığına 23098 numaralı ve 1916 tarihli telgraf mucibince liva dahilinde mekteb-i hususinin tesisi zımnında Cemaat-i İslamiye varidatının had-ı kifayede olup olmadığı hakkında yazı.-1916-07-19
ACLGVP00049.jpg.jpgApplication of Secretary of Ierapetrou Holy Court. Towards Administration of Education and of Religion Lasithiou Ierodikis writes on behalf of applicant that his daughter caught smallpox and for that reason police doesn't allow him to go out of his house.-1908-03-14
ACLGVP00045.jpg.jpgAdministration of Education and of Justice. The Consul D. Xanthoudidis informs K. Seit Fikri Dervihialakin that he had been appointed commissioner (Epitropos) of Lasithiou Holy Court in the Meramvelou Eparchy.-1905-07-05
ACLGVP00030.jpg.jpgTowards Lasithiou Prefecture. Lasithiou Muftis Moustafa Rahit informs that according to the order of the perfect, for month September he received the salary of the kadi (120 dr.)-1907-11-05
2761-2770 / 15207


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