2671-2680 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Irakliou Prefecture. Towards the Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders: shipment of doc no 4384/340: approval of the decision of the Council to buy a building post for 3900 dr.-1910-10-27
ACIGVPR00075.jpg.jpgIrakliou Mayor informs the President of the Muslim Foundations that in order to restore A Building of the Municipality Next To the Vezir Jami Mosque-1915-01-09
Towards Irakliou Ierodikin: Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders report that they received the list of the Poor Muslim Families and that after controling it they found out that although some of the families have some properties--
ACIGVPR00059.jpg.jpgTowards the Irakliou Mayor. The (Muslim Elders?) report that they agree to demolish the damged old mosque however such a work can be realised only after the winter-1911-12-11
After the expropriation of an ex municipality building in quarter no 201, the owners of the Next to the building real estate have to pay compensations-1919-11-05
ACLEVJ00105.jpg.jpgAkd-i nikah hakkında muamele-i şeriyenin yeni nizamlara göre icra olunacağına dair Estiye Kariyesi İmamı ve akd-i nikah vekili Kara Hasanaki Hacı Receb Hulusi imzalı tahrirat[31 Mayıs 1324]-1908-06-13
Budget approved at the session of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethimnis concerning the year from the 1st of September 1913 to the end of August 1914 and proceedings of the 79th session of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethimnis.-1914-01-18
Registration of cases of economic interest at the Court of First Instance and peace tribunal of Rethimnis. The parties of action, to object, the court and the outcome of the trials are indicated (16 Pages).-1911-03-17
ACREVF00243.jpg.jpg1294 senesi Zilkade ayı tahsilat miktarını gösteren, Seyyare Memuru İsmail Sıdkı mühürlü cetvel. [27 Teşrin-i Sani 1293]-1877-12-09
Kabristan ittisalindeki tarlasında müceddeden kazılan dolabın masrafını gösteren defter. [8 Ağustos 1307]-1891-11-20
2671-2680 / 15207


Issue Date