2661-2670 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
In presence of Chania Notary Ioannou G Kondadaki, Tahsit Veis Saratsakis, son of Mehmet guarantees in Favor of Huseyin Marathonaki, son of Mehmet, in order to be appointed guardian of children of Nuriye and of Hasan Marathitaki, of Halime Cemali Haci Edompaki.-1911-07-09
ACCEVO01071.jpg.jpgMüteveffa Lokaki Mehmed Efendi'nin yetimi Osman için akraba meclisinin teşekkül etmesi ve yetimin rüşdüne ermesi nedeniyle emlak ve akaratının idaresinin kendisine verilmesine dair alınan karar. [24 Eylül 1319]-1903-10-07
Bundan 15 sene evvel vefat eden validesinden kendisine intikal eden mebaliğin rüştünü ispat ettiği için kendise verilmesi hususnda İsmail'in istidası [7 Temmuz 1325]-1909-07-20
Müteveffa Daustaki Kadri Efendi'nin eytamı Mustafa ve Şükrü Efendiler'in muhasebe defteri. [12 Kanun-i Evvel 1327]-1911-12-25
Barutçuzade Bilal'in yetimleri evrakı.--
Office of the Lawyer G. Th. Dokoumejidou, Iraklion adversaries: Ottoman Bank for the Orphan against Georg. Mitsotakis towards the Court of Appeal.-1907-10-16
Towards the Chania Holy Court, proposition by İsmail Hasan Moula Hasanaki, resident of Chania, against Hariyes of Ivraim Faratsaki, wife of İsmail Moula Hasanaki. The plaintiff supports that the suit against him by the defendant should be rejected.-1909-02-04
ACIEVFM00033.jpg.jpgKandiye Sancağı dahilinde Menufaç Kefala Kariyesi'nde sakin Fatma Nurokopola binti Ali Nuraki ile Rençber Ahmed Osmanaki bin Mustafa'nın nikah akdi. [5 Şubat 1334]-1918-02-05
Application by Ahmet Besim Saridaki, Director of Orphan Bank of Irakliou, towards Prefecture. Director (of Muslim Foundations?) Reports that wall which stands between the vakif buildings and residence of Mr. Hronidi is tumbledown-1903-06-04
ACIGVPR00097.jpg.jpgTowards the Haraka Mayor. The Louron Village Assessor reports that a discussion took place concerning the leasing of the Muslim Cemeteries in the village but that no such a thing had actually happened-1907-02-09
2661-2670 / 15207


Issue Date