2621-2630 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
1323 senesi Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Dairesi Sandığına ait maaş senedatı. [Mart 1323]-1907-03
Provelya Kariyesi'nde kain Mekteb-i İbtidaiye talebelerinin gözlerine arz olan hastalığın tedavisi zınnında kariye-i mezkurede ihtiram edilen Tabib Skanimaki'ye verilen... (?)-1902-10-31
Towards the Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Education. The Muslims of Chania Express their grief for the decision of the Chania Educational Council to Abolish Muslim Schools-1915-07-29
ACCGVF00032.jpg.jpgDraft note of Vezet (?) concerning the repayment of a due to the General Accounts Department of Chania (?). [The note has the form of a draft text to be telegraphed (?)].-1902-02-11
ACDCGVJ00004.jpg.jpgKavala Hüseyin Bey Mahallesi’nden Hacı Ahmed Efendizade Hacı Mehmed Said Efendi'nin Müvekkili Nallızade Hasan Tahsin Efendi'nin vasisi Hacı İsmail Efendi'nin umumi vekil tayinine dair verdiği srzuhalin yetersiz olduğu hakkında karar. [1 Haziran 1333]-1917-06-01
Yerapetre Müessesat-ı Diniye Dairesi'nde yapılan müzayede sonucunda çeşitli mülklerin kimlere kiraya verileceğine ya da satılacağına karar verildiğine dair Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdürü Mehmed Halaçaki imzalı belge. [5 Teşrin-i Evvel 1335]-1919-10-05; 1919-10-17
Order of Amavile Ittar against Resim Palaitsaki or Haji Zeitaki, Hatijes Palaitsopoulas, Aihies Palaitsaki, Fatoumes Moufahasanopoulas, Sidikes Moulahasanopoulas, Fatoumes Haramehmetopoulas, Asan, Selim Al Ratif MoulaHasanaki and Housein Besmi Dervisaliefedaki.-1902-03-19; 1902-03-26
In the name of Lawyer Kostadinou Stamataki, acting on behalf of Irakliou Administration of Muslim Properties towards Lawyer Ioannou G. Koyajaki, acting on behalf of Greek Public, represented in Crete by the Financial Inspector Manousou Koundourou.-1911-02-10
Documents related to the auction for the sale of an olive tree belonging to the Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation, the olive tree is located within the field of Emm. Skuladakis, at the periphery of the village 'Moshera' of 'Monofatsi'.-1918-04-01
2 Documents related to the auction for the sale of an olive tree belonging to the Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation, the tree is located at the edge of the public road at the periphery of the village Moshera of Monofatsi.-1918-04-01
2621-2630 / 15207


Issue Date