2421-2430 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVO00499.jpg.jpgHasan Loryanaki yetimi Ali'nin Nisan 1330 ayı nafakası olup akraba meclisinin kararına müsteniden verilen 5 frangın Eytam Meclisinden alındığına dair vasisi Loryanaki Yusuf imzalı makbuz seneti-1914-05-08
Menufaç kazasına tabi Haraki Kariyesi sakinlerinden iken Bundan 3 sene evvel vefat eden Adem Çapaki eytamının dosya muhafazası ve akraba meclisinin toplandığına dair belge. [22 Nisan 1324]-1908-05-05
Ahmed Galasyanos eytamı dosya muhafazası ve Lagota Kariyeli Ahmed Lagosyanos'un emlak paylaşımı. [Menufaç]--
Pendiyeli Ahmed Çakaki'nin eytamına ait dosya.--
Letter of Director of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundations to Iraklio Mayor asking for the non further dispatchment of the accounts concerning expenses at construction works at building hosting orphanage from the directory to municipality as in the past.-1902-11-30
Prefect of Dramas informs that he sends a letter for the Director of Bank of Crete stating that the concerned amount of money belongs to Irakliou Orphan Muslim Properties and that he himself took the money to bank as inspector of the concerned properties-1913-11-14
ACIGVM00021.jpg.jpgTowards the Irakliou Captain of the Gendarmerie. The Irakliou Muftis/ Ierodikis informs that one of the captured Muslim soldiers, Avdoul Halim Oglou İzzet, is planning to marry a Muslim girl the muftis asks if he has the right to do so.-1923-01-15
ACIGVJ00015.jpg.jpgTowards the Council of Irakliou Muslim Elders: the Prefect informs them that according to the report of the city doctor it is necessary to have all toilets of the mosques cleaned and to empty the dirty water tank of the fish market-1903-07-06
ACIGVF00013.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece/ Irakliou Prefecture. The Prefect Emman. Lidakis Approves the decision of Irakliou Muslim Elders To Buy 400 Promissory Notes of the 300 Millions Loan Lottery (Lahioforo Danio)-1920-04-24
ACIGVF00026.jpg.jpgLetter of the Prefect of Iraklio to Iraklio Muslim Elders asking for information on the number of religious functionaries mentioned in the budget compiled by the latter.-1921-12-08
2421-2430 / 15207


Issue Date