2201-2210 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Menufaç Kazası, Alagaski Kariyesi ahalisindenken vefat eden Derviş Mollazaki'nin eytamı Ahmed, Hüseyin ve İbrahim için toplanan akraba Meclisinde vasi tayinine dair alınan karar.[ 21 Şubat 1908]-1908-02-21; 1908-02-27
ACIEVO00644.jpg.jpgLetter of Director of Muslim Bank of Orphans, Huseyn Velet Astsakis, to Notary Georgios Doukoumetzakis ordering him not to proceed at any action, concerning the case of Bank against Nikolaos Thiakakis or Papadakis and Haralambos Bafakis.-1904-10-21
Müteveffa Mirasyedizade Mehmed Bey'in yetimlerinin Mart 1326 (1910)-Şubat 1326 (1911) dönemine ait varidat ve masarifatını gösteren muhasebe defteri.[7 Mart 1327]-1911-03-20
Ottoman Orphan Bank against Hasan Jerasanaki-1894-04-30; 1895
1326 senesi Receb Ayının İlk Perşembe günün Regaib Kandili olduğuna dair Laşid Sancağı Naibi ve Müftü Vekili Mustafa Raşid Efendi'nin takriri. [14-15 Temmuz 1324]-1908-08-28; 1908-08-27
ACIGVPR00072.jpg.jpgIrakliou Financial Superivision. As far as the suit of the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations against the Contractor Mihail Karteraki is concerned, the Ministry of Finances had decided that the concerned wall is part of the city walls-1915-06-11
Proposition by the foundations, against the Greek Public, Towards the Irakliou Court of Appeal. The Administration claims that the concerned land properties were owned by the foundations till the revolution of 1887-1909-03-25
ACIGVPR00102.jpg.jpgOrder from the part of the Directory of Education and Justice of the state of Crete to the Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion concerning the granting of approval of the Directory for the leasing of estates belonging to the Elders' Council.-1904-06-07
ACREVP00436.jpg.jpgSinamekizade Hacı Ali Efendi'nin Resmo'da kain Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Camii'nde münhal bulunan imamete nasb olunmasına dair tahrirat.-1909-07-11
In presence of Rethimnis Notary Pertev Dervisaki: Ivraim Perissakis, Secretary of the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations, representing the Director Moustafe Kemal Karajidaki and Lawyer Stilianos Georgios Kostoyannis agreed on-1921-01-25; 1921-10-08
2201-2210 / 15207


Issue Date