2081-2090 / 15207
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ACDCGVPR00059.jpg.jpgKesriye Cemmaat-i İslamiyesi'ne ait evkaftan olup icar müddeti sona eren dükkanın müzayedeye konularak talibine ihale edilerek miktar-ı bedelin 1/5'i peşinen ve kalan icarın 2 taksitte tamamen verilmesine vs.'ye dair müzayede pusulası. [Kastorya]-1922-11-22
Kavala Kasabasının Tekke Cami-i Şerifi yakınındaki bir dükkanın 16 Teşrin-i Evvel 1331 tarihinden itibaren 1332 senesi Martına kadar icare verileceğine dair müzayede pusulası. [Kavala, 16 Teşrin-i Sani 1331]-1915-11-29
Kavala Kasabası Korucu Kariyesi sakinlerinden olup bundan akdem vefat eden Salih Ustabaşaki Ali'nin veraset ilamı. [12 Ağustos 1326]-1910-08-25
Leasing of the no 2 vakif work shop, in Kavalla, in the Pazar Yukari Kapi location former rent: 127 dr. per month.-1918-10-23
ACIEVP00118.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel dönemine ait maaşları olan toplam 525 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerif Sandığı'ndan aldıklarına dair Meclis Katibi Melik Efendi, Refiki Mustafa Murad Efendi, Meclis Mübaşiri Ali Ağa imzalı pusula. [15 Teşrin-i Sani 1300]-1884-11-27
Towards Irakliou Prefecture: Secretary of the Holy Court A. K. H. Dervihiakis (?) informs that after Irakliou Mouftis Mehmet Kiazim Efendis has been dismissed, salaries of the court's employees, thus one secretary and one bailiff, can not be payed.-1921-10-12
Decision of Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders concerning the salaries and the employees of the Muslim Foundations.--
Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders.Towards Haraka Mayor: writer (Vezet) complains that at Louras Monofatsiou Village,the court yard of the Mosque has been leased by community to Patros Stefanou and that same has happened with lands of Muslim Cemeteries-1907-01-31
ACIGVPR00078.jpg.jpgThe Prefect informs the President of Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders that the decision of the Council to sell through auction the farm in the periphery of the 'Ano Vathias' Village in the 'Paterika' Location, owned by the Teke 'Setourna' of Kadridon-1916-10-03
Draft form of a letter of Vezet [The Director of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation] addressed to the Mayor of 'Agies Paraskies' constituting a reply to the Mayor's acts[?] οr questions[?] concerning legal clauses of vakf property [?].-1902-03-11
2081-2090 / 15207


Issue Date