1961-1970 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACDCGVPR00044.jpg.jpgKeçeci Piri Mahallesi Sulukule Sokağı'ndaki Mustafa Ağa'nın münhedim emlakine 6000 kuruş tahmini değer biçildiğine dair ihbarname. [İstanbul]-1928-10-04
To the President of the Ottoman community: all managers of any kind of property in the Muslim community are asked to declare it for the creation of an official register.-1919-06-20
ACIEVP00173.jpg.jpg1291 senesi Temmuz-Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait 7 aylık istihkakı olan 58 kuruş 13 parayı Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerife Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair İmam Osman imzalı pusula. [6 Şubat 1297]-1882-02-18
ACIEVP00196.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation. Iraklio Muslim Elders authorizes Mustafa Efendi Mesaritakis from [the Village of] Finikia, to safeguard the Muslim graveyard of the aforementioned village from trespassing and grazing.-1921-12-11
Towards the Ministry of Regious Affairs. Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders suggests to appoint Hajidervihzade Ahmet Kiami Mufti and Ierodiki of Irakliou.-1921-12-17
ACIGVD00014.jpg.jpgTowards Administration for the welfare work concerning the refugees. President of Committee for welfare of the Muslim peasants Irakliou Muftis sends a list of the needy Muslim peasants that had to leave country side and come to the city.-1923-01-09
Towards the Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations: Irakliou Mayor informs that the report of G. Siganou hadn't been accepted by the prefecture and therefore, the Administration has to have the concerned building demolished.-1915-06-13; 1915-06-19
ACIGVDIV00064.jpg.jpgThe writer informs the Mayor of Arkogohoron and Megalis Vrisis that the election of the New Council of Irakliou Muslim Elders is going to be realised in the 22th, and that the people can vote into the house of Ali Nazifaki in Larani Village-1907-07-18
ACLEVF00481.jpg.jpg1326 sene-i Hicriyesinin Rebiyül-Evvelin 12.Sine tesadüf eden Mevlid gecesinde okutulmak üzere Mevlid-i Şerif malzemesi olup Yerapetre Defterdar Cami-i Şerifi İmamı tarafından Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alınan 8 franga dair pusula [5 Nisan 1324]-1908-04-18
Laşid Evkaf Sandığına 14 Temmuz 1318 İla 13 Nisan 1319 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğin makbuz ilm-i haberidir.-1902-07-27; 1903-06-26
1961-1970 / 15207


Issue Date