1881-1890 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Kazes Moisis: He is informed that he has been included to the 4th taxation register and that he has to pay a aax of 256,60 dr. for his yearly incomes (1711,20%)-1922-01-24
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Fatime Hasan: She is informed that she had been included to the 2th taxation register and that she has to pay a tax of 82 dr. for her yearly incomes ( 1227.60 dr.)-1922-03-02
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Haji Yose Kazes: He is informed that he has been included to the 4th taxation register and that he has to pay a tax of 167,40 dr. for his yearly incomes (1116 dr.)-1922-02-02
Kavalla Financial Department (Eforia) towards Ali Halil Ali: He is informed that he has been included to the 2th taxation register and that he has to pay a tax of 23.40 dr. for his yearly incomes (1227. 60 dr.)-1922-09-29
ACDCGVF00198.jpg.jpgCerrahpaşa Caddesi'nde oturan Hacı Ahmed Efendi kerimesi Fatma Zehra Hatun'un Sultan Mustafa Vakfı’ndan mahiye 106 kuruş tasarrufuna dair ilm-i haber. [23 Temmız 1327]-1911-08-05
Sofu Mehmed Paşa Camii Vakfı'ndan Aya Sila Kariyesi'ndeki bir tarlanın satışını yapan Münadi Mehmed'in dellaliye ücreti olan 25 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Münadi Ali Tevfik imzalı senet. [15 Nisan 1300]-1884-04-27
ACIEVPR00435.jpg.jpgÇukur Çeşme'de 24 numaralı dükkanın 3 aylık kira bedeli olan 37 drahmi 20 leptanın kiracısı tarafından varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz ilm-i haberi [28 Teşrin-i Evvel 1330]-1914-11-10
Abdurahman Paşa Cami-i Şerif Vakfı'ndan Maloviz Kazası, Viranköy'de Molla Hüseyin Mahallesi'ndeki zeytinliğin vakfa ait olan 1/4 hissesinin satılması hususunda müzayede pusulası. [12 Mart 1306]-1890-03-24
Sertopi Mahallesi'nde mutasarrıf olduğu bir eve cereyan etmek üzere fondana suyundan yarım masura suyun satılması hususunda Bezzaz Bayram imzalı istida. [4 Teşrin-i Sani 1301]-1885-11-16
ACIEVPR00368.jpg.jpgThe writer Malesmis, resident of Irakliou States that he accepts the rise of the rent concerning the stores in Vezir Carsi Market by the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations.-1921-08-25
1881-1890 / 15207


Issue Date