12591-12600 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
In presence of Rethymno notary Pertev Dervisakis and the witnesses Ali Housein Besirakis, merchant, and Aziz Hatzidakis, blacksmith, residents of Rethymno.-1902-03-18
ACREVO00033.jpg.jpgSagir oğlu Mehmed'in zaruretine medar olmak üzere 80 kuruşu Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair İsmail Kaldırımçaki imzalı senet. [8 Mart 1298]-1882-03-20
Bill of Elfigies and Housnigıes, orphans of Kapetan Hohimer. List of amounts.-1900-09-26
Bill of Housnigies Orphan of Hasan Kariagasidaki. List of amounts.-1900-08-31
The administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations states that defendants (Ahmet, Dervis, Osman and Housein Hordakianakis or Karavitakis) have bought the land of Mehmet Fasouliatzis in Maroulas village, municipality of Arkadi, of which Foundations own the 1/4.-1909-12-04
Towards Rethymno Holy Court, propositions of the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Housni Selimefentakis, representing Rethymno Mosque of Kara Mousa Passa (Paşa), against Ali Fasouliatzis, manager of Rethymno Mosque Kara Mousa Passa (Paşa).-1904-06-26
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders, represented by the president Raif Tsintsarapakis and the members Hasan Klaronakis, Merntzan Omerakis, Moustafa Karatsedakis, Ali Bahridakis and the secretary Ivraim Perisakis, sells half "masoura" of water to Haralabos Stamatakis.-1908-04-20
Rethymno: In presence of the notary Haralabos I. Stamatakis and of the witnesses Paulos Miamoudakis, engineer, resident of Rethymno, and Vasileios M. Georgioudakis, carpender, resident of Rethymno.-1907-06-28
The Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the application of the Tsitsevrakis brothers: The applicants are "galentarides" of the farms offered by Hatzi (Hacı) Ivraim Kioutsouk (Küçük) to the mosque; some of the farms had been sold to thirds.-1908-04-27
The Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders. Meeting in order to discuss the proposal of the director to repair the ewkaf residences in Tahidromeiou Street, otherwise the occupant Theodoros Trifyllis will leave them.-1903-07-17
12591-12600 / 15207


Issue Date