12251-12260 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Decision of the Nomarch of Lasithiou validating Muslim Council of Elders' decisions which concerned the sale of estates belonging to Muslim Council of Elders in order to cover the debt owed to various lawyers for the court expenses.-1915-06-09
Application of all the Ottoman Residents of the Villages: Parasporiou, Krion, Ayiou Mamantos, Dafnis and Roukakas, to the Directory of the Ewkaf of Lasithiou to found an Ottoman Mosque (Jamion) at the Vıllage of Parasporiou.-1908-06-28
ACLEVPR00151.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou to Andrea Nikolodakin asking him to pay off the sum related to an unspecified sale document within a week.-1916-03-04
Medrese dahilindeki akarat-ı vakıfın defteridir. [1308]-1892
The Family Council of the under age orphan child …. (?) of … (?) and of the late Fatime Jabouropoula appoints the uncle of the orphan Moustafa Ali Arnaoutaki as his guardian with the right to administer his land property and represent him in court.-1921-09-04
Ali Çakaraki’nin eşi Cemile Fraçaropola Eytamı Hüseyin ve Mustafa’nın hesabı, 12 Teşrin-i Evvel 1892-1893 dönemine ait hesap pusulası ve dosya muhafazası. [25 Ağustos 1314]-1898-09-04
The Family Council of the under age orphan children Moustafa and Zeinepis, children of the late Najies Hanoumes Papoutsalopoulas and of Pefik Mavrataki(?)-1906-09-12
The council of the relatives accepts the proposition of the guardian to sell some real estates of the orphans in order to buy land somewhere else (Just half of the document)-1906-04-27
Council of relatives of the under age orphan children of Arap Herifaki or Thomas (?) Moula Houseinoglou and of Safies Morazeropoulas-1908-08-03
Eytam Meclis-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen çeşitli istidaları içeren yarısı kopmuş defter parçası. [1299]-1881
12251-12260 / 15207


Issue Date